The selection of Reference Sites for this guide was mainly done by themselves through a peer reviewed self-assessment based on key criteria such as EIPAHA relevance, scale, number of specific EIP actions to which they are committed, evidence and replication potential. On this basis they filled out questionnaires on their contribution to the different action areas of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and on their overall strategy to tackle the demographic challenge in Europe. Then they scored each other based on this information. The results you find here: after one year evaluation process, we have now 32 Reference Sites from 12 Member States, with a ranking from 1 to 3 stars. Plenty of room for growth and competition for all, as four stars is the maximum.
All Reference Sites are willing to share with you what they have discovered on their expedition to excellent innovation for ageing. They found out what ageing people need to stay, active, independent and healthy for as long as possible, they have good ideas for how to innovate in the systems for health and social care in such a way that they cater to real needs in a more effective and efficient way. And some of them also found out if and how a healthy business can be made out of it.
Download: Excellent Innovation for Ageing - a European Guide: The Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (.pdf, 5.163 KB).
Download from eHealthNews.eu Portal's mirror: Excellent Innovation for Ageing - a European Guide: The Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (.pdf, 5.163 KB).