Syntactic interoperability guarantees the message to be delivered but does not guarantee that the content of the message will be machine processable at the receiving end. To guarantee message content interoperability, either the message content should conform to a single machine processable standard or semantic interoperability must be provided. Semantic interoperability is the ability for information shared by systems to be understood at the level of formally defined domain concepts.
This paper describes the concepts involved in eHealth interoperability; briefly assesses the current state in some of the countries in the world and discusses the technical issues to be addressed for achieving interoperability and concludes by providing links to the results achieved in the IST 027065 RIDE Project.
Download "Key Issues of Technical Interoperability Solutions in eHealth and the RIDE Project" Publication (.pdf, 144KB)
Coordinator contact details:
Prof. Dr. Asuman Dogac
Department of Computer Engineering
Director of Software Research & Development Center
Middle East Technical University
06531, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 - 312 - 210 5598 or +90 - 312 - 210 2076
Fax: +90 - 312- 210 5572 or +90 - 312 - 210 1259
For further information, please visit: RIDE Project