A "lead market" can be defined as a market for innovative products and services or technological solutions with high growth potential; a market where EU industry can develop competitive advantage to lead in international markets; a market that requires action by the public authorities to deal with regulatory obstacles.
The above definition of Lead Market is the backbone of this paper, which assesses the driving factors related to the eHealth market, its potential in terms of growing demand and market growth opportunities, changing demographics and disease patterns, and healthcare capabilities in eHealth. Subsequently, the paper illustrates the eHealth markets incoherent positioning throughout Member States as well as the latent market areas. Structural barriers delaying successful market breakthrough, such as market fragmentation, lack of financial support and procurement issues, which collectively affect the development of demand for eHealth products and services, are thoroughly considered. The paper points out the positive impacts to be expected from eHealth, including strategic (competitive advantage and interoperability leading to technology advances), economic (economies of scale) and social (improvements in service level and access to health services).
Download "Accelerating the Development of the eHealth Market in Europe" Report (.pdf, 720 KB)
Download from the eHealthNews.EU Portal's mirror: "Accelerating the Development of the eHealth Market in Europe" Report (.pdf, 720 KB).
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