We are rapidly approaching the point where we will begin to see a significant move from institutionally held and controlled healthcare records to records held by individuals in 'secure' web-based repositories to which they can also add a wide range of additional health, socio-economic and other information. NHS Healthspace, Microsoft HealthVault and Google Health are all examples.
A range of value-added service suppliers are beginning to emerge offering further aggregation services, analysis and profiling of the information in the repositories leading to links to further health information, self-care and risk-profiling services and to social networking groups focused around specific condition areas. The previous security and confidentiality paradigms for patient data within healthcare have largely been based on the responsibilities (legal and ethical) of healthcare organisations and clinicians. When the individual is asked to choose what information they aggregate, who they share that information with and how much of that information is to be shared a new model of security, confidentiality and patient education is required.
How is informed choice formalised within the new systems and what are the key issues facing individuals, healthcare organisations, clinicians and new entrants to the web-based health environment? How do you get the right balance between innovation, new health support opportunities and protecting the individual? What are the challenges to national healthcare systems when individuals can access web-based health support services without regard to national boundaries?
Panelists will be asked to make a short five minute 'position' statement at the start of the session and then the Chairman will steer a panel discussion. At the end there will be an opportunity for comments from the audience.
Participants in the panel will be representatives from
- Microsoft
- NHS HealthSpace
- the Wellcome Trust
- UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
- Caldicott Guardian
Location: University of Westminster, Marylebone Campus
For further information, please visit:
Related news article:
About ICMCC Event
For the 5th consecutive year the ICMCC Event is the only international event dealing with patient-related ICT, focusing in 2008 on information related aspects, patient record access, electronic health records and behavioral compunetics. A high quality paper presentation programme representing some of the leading researchers in the field will be offered as well as an outstanding forum of key-note speakers. For more information, visit http://2008.icmcc.org.
BCS Health Informatics Interactive Care Specialist Group
This panel event marks a change in scope for the Group from the area of telecare and devices to the wider view of the delivery of health and self-care support over the internet. Our aim is to promote debate, research and the sharing of knowledge in support of what might be called Health 3.0. For more information, visit http://www.hiicsg.bcs.org.