The next ten years will see major transformations in the technological, industrial and business landscapes surrounding information and communication technologies, or "ICT". ICT 2008 will set the agenda for ICT research and innovation in Europe during this crucial decade.
The event will host leading visionaries from academia and industry and will address topics as diverse as Europe's role in shaping the future internet, ICT's contribution to advancing the sustainability agenda and alternative research paths for future ICT components and systems. These and many other cutting-edge themes will be explored in depth at ICT 2008.
Over 2 Billion for ICT research, 2009-2010
This year's ICT event - the largest research event in Europe in 2008 - will examine:
- European Union priorities in ICT research for over 2 billion of funding available in 2009-2010
- The major current technological trends which impact upon strategic research planning
- Public research policies to stimulate research and innovation
Who should be at ICT 2008?
Researchers, innovators, engineers, policy and business decision-makers in the field of digital technologies - ICT 2008 is for you. Special activities for young people and students - the ICT researchers of tomorrow - are also planned around the Event. Don't miss this key event for shaping policy and research options for Europe's industrial and technological future.
For further information and registration, please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/ict/2008/index_en.htm
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