Frieda Spielmann, a Septuagenarian from Austria, Jamshid Kohandel, a blind civil servant from France and Rhodri Buttrick, a 16-year-old dyslexic and dyspraxic student from the UK will help open the conference by sharing their personal stories during the "Welcome and keynote addresses", on Sunday 30 November, at 13:45h.
People will be again at the centre of the programme with the interactive theatre plays, with actors in real life situations revealing how technology can help the disadvantaged:
- Monday, 1 December at 14:30h and Tuesday, 2 December at 9:30h: "Meet Martha and Joe", an elderly couple living in a "smart home", with technologies designed to make their life easier but do they? Delegates will be able to interact and ask questions
- Tuesday, 2 December at 12:15h: I left my glasses in the taxi! Losing your glasses can make you instantly 'disabled'. Follow the experience of a lady who has left her glasses in the taxi on her way to the airport. An insight into a future where technology is widespread but will we be able to use it?
In the exhibition, participants will be able to see a range of solutions from more than 90 exhibitors. The 'experience zone' will let visitors really touch and feel. Try your hand at navigating blindfold, guided through the exhibition by your electronic. See how your house could be equipped in the future at the Smarthome experience. Enjoy the best of accessible Digital Television. But you might be surprised by what some users may lose during the digital switchover...
On Monday, 1 December at 16:00h, the event will host the launch of Telecentre-Europe, a network of people and organizations created to increase the positive impact of telecentres throughout Europe. The launch will see the participation of Gérard Comyn, Acting Director, ICT Addressing Societal Challenges (DG Information Society and Media, European Commission), and Sylvie Laffarge, Director of Community Affairs, Microsoft EMEA.
Among the keynote speakers at the e-Inclusion Ministerial Conference:
- Vladimir pidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Heidrun Silhavy, Austrian Federal Minister for Women, Media and Regional Policy
- Erwin Buchinger, Austrian Federal Minister of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
- Eric Besson, Minister of State to the French Prime Minister
- Craig R. Barrett, Chairman INTEL Corporation and the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development
- Andrea Kdolsky, Minister for Health, Family and Youth, Austria
- Paul Rübig, Member of the European Parliament, Austria
- Edit Herczog, Member of the European Parliament, Hungary
- Abdul Waheed Khan, Communication and Information, UNESCO
- Adama Samassékou, President, African Academy of Languages (ACALAN) and MAAYA Network
- Veli Sundbäck, Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations and Responsibility, Nokia
- Gabriele Zedlmayer, Vice President for Corporate Marketing and Global Citizenship, EMEA Hewlett Packard Company
- Robert Sinclair, Director of Accessibility, Microsoft Accessibility Business Unit
- Boris NEMSIC, CEO, Telekom Austria
- Mark MacGann, Director General, EICTA (European digital technology industry Association)
- Anne-Sophie Parent, Director, AGE (European Older People's Platform)
- Rodolfo Cattani, Board Member, EDF (European Disability Forum)
- Marie-Béatrice Levaux, President, FEPEM (Fédération Nationale des Particuliers Employeurs)
In addition, video-messages will be addressed to the audience by:
- Ray Kurzweil, futurologist and Founder, Chairman & CEO, Kurzweil Technologies (Sunday 30 November, 16:30h)
- Tim Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (Monday 1 December, 12:00h).
- Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Information Society and Media (Tuesday 2 December, 12:30h)
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