The Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) Conference is the main scientific event in medical, biomedical, and health informatics, held every two years out of three in Europe. Scientific presentations are from more than 40 countries and all continents. Its attendance is around 5001000 participants especially from 32 European member countries of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI).
Aim and scope
The main theme of MIE 2009 is Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe. New medical, biomedical, and health informatics bridges must be built between the western and eastern parts of the European world. For this purpose, a panel of high-level scientists and health care managers will be invited to participate and give keynote speeches, tutorials, and organise in-depth workshop discussions.
Online registration for submission of contributions for MIE 2009 is now open. Registration form will give you the log-in code for your personal pages on the website where you can submit contributions for the MIE 2009 peer-review process. This does NOT imply your registration for the conference, which will be open in due time.
Expected scientific contributions
Full papers: original scientific articles, 5 pages in the proceedings, indexed in MEDLINE, and on the conference CD-ROM, 20 minute presentations (incl. 5 minute discussions).
Submit an original scientific article, 5 pages long, abstract should be 820 lines long, provide 46 keywords, dont forget results and conclusions.
Posters: original scientific articles, 5 pages in the proceedings, indexed in MEDLINE, and on the conference CD- ROM, poster presentations at the conference.
See full papers, in addition posters of size A1, or A0, or between will be presented in poster sessions.
Student papers: MSc and PhD study reports, selected by the SPC, 1 page in the proceedings, indexed in MEDLINE, and on the conference CD-ROM, 10 minute presentations (incl. 3 minute discussions). Submit a study report 1 page long, abstract should be 46 lines long, provide 2 or 3 keywords, a body of text, and 2 or 3 references.
Workshops: Proposals for workshops are solicited; workshop contributions receive up to 5 pages in the proceedings, indexed in MEDLINE, and on the conference CD-ROM. Send proposals to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., written contributions see full papers.
Tutorials: Proposals for tutorials are solicited; the attendance of one tutorial is included in each full conference fee. Send proposals to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Software demonstrations: Requests for theatre-style demonstrations are welcome. Send requests to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Authors of best papers will be selected during the conference and invited to submit a thoroughly revised and extended version of their paper for publication in Methods of Information in Medicine, an official journal of the European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI).
Topics for MIE 2009
- Bioinformatics
- Biosignal processing
- Decision support
- Devices and sensors
- Disease management
- Electronic health record
- Expert systems
- Guidelines and protocols
- Health information systems
- Home-based eHealth
- Human-computer interaction
- Imaging and visualization
- Impact and usability
- Interoperability
- Learning and education
- Knowledge management
- Knowledge-based systems
- Modelling and simulation
- National eHealth roadmaps
- Nursing informatics
- Pan European-cross border applications
- Patient safety
- Personal health records
- Pervasive healthcare
- Privacy and security
- Public health and consumer informatics
- Quality assurance
- Semantic web
- Telemedicine
- Trustful health information for citizens and patients
- Ubiquitous computing
- Web 2.0 applications
Important dates
Submission of contributions: 19 January 2009
Notification of acceptance: 19 April 2009
Final manuscripts required: 10 May 2009
For further information, please visit:
Related news articles:
- EFMI Special Topic Conference on Open Source in European Health Care
- The 21st International Congress MIE 2008 - Call for Submissions
- EFMI STC 2007 - Medical Informatics in Enlarged Europe
- MIE 2006 Invitation
About EFMI
The European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) was formed in 1976 with assistance from the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Orgnisation (WHO). Formed as a nonprofit organization, the EFMI is concerned with the theory and practice of information science and technology within health and health science in a European context. The objectives of the EFMI are to advance international co-operation and dissemination of information in medical informatics on a European basis; to promote high standards in the application of medical informatics; to promote research and development in medical informatics; to encourage high standards in education in medical informatics; and to function as the autonomous European Regional Council of IMIA. For more information, visit www.efmi.org.