The seventh in a series of annual conferences organized since 2003 aims to support dissemination of eHealth best practices. As the title itself implies, the Conference will mainly be focused on eHealth in relation to:
- Individuals
- Society
- Economy.
For individuals, eHealth brings new possibilities in terms of increasing quality and effectiveness of services. eHealth provides completely new methods of treatment chronic or rare diseases. In the European context, it can facilitate implementation of cross-border healthcare and contribute to continuity of care.
For society, eHealth means a challenge for interoperability, e-literacy, and accessibility of new technologies. It is a great opportunity for research and development.
For economy, eHealth offers solutions that can bring enormous savings. If properly deployed, eHealth can contribute to the transformation of the health sector, substantially change the business models of healthcare facilities, and impact the behaviour of health insurance institutions.
The aim of the Conference is to bring together and share European best practices touching all above mentioned topics. Good eHealth is an integral part of fulfilling goals mentioned in "Decision No 1350/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 establishing a Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health (2008-13)", such as, e.g.:
- improve safety of public health;
- support to people's health;
- dissemination of information about health;
- improve public awareness about the health care sector;
- collection, analysis, and evaluation of medical information.
For further information, please visit:
Contact person:
Ms. Lenka Stránská
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
Questions related to content of the Conference please address to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.