Wednesday 25 October 2006
Lakeside Conference Centre,
Aston University, Birmingham UK
Since it was launched in 2002, this annual interactive event of presentations, case histories and an exhibition has firmly established itself as one of the key events in healthcare and socialcare professionals' calendars. They value this unique opportunity to meet with suppliers, their colleagues and peers to discuss and debate ways of increasing efficiency through sharing information.
This year's Autumn Forum is a series of presentations, case-histories and an exhibition designed to give guidance and information on how healthcare and socialcare organisations can increase efficiency through sharing information.
Youâll have the opportunity to discuss and debate this with expert speakers together with suppliers, your colleagues and peers.
This year's event will be of interest to:
- chief executives;
- finance directors;
- PCT board members;
- primary and secondary care ICT professionals;
- GPs and consultants;
- community-based healthcare and social care professionals;
- practice managers/Practice care managers;
- directors of social services;
- directors of adult and community services;
- medical directors working in community and acute services;
- directors of nursing and community care;
- service improvement managers;
- directors of public health;
- county councils: local authorities with social services responsibilities;
- strategic health authorities;
- primary healthcare services: clinical/medical/health centres and
- practices; community services; care trusts; and treatment centres;
- secondary healthcare services: district general hospitals; specialist
- tertiary centres; community hospitals; mental healthcare trusts;
- healthcare trusts; teaching trusts hospital trusts; and foundation trusts;
- private healthcare providers (primary and secondary care);
- ICT suppliers: system integrators; mobile and wireless; communications;
- electronic healthcare record providers; and
- local service providers and NPfIT contractors/suppliers.
For further information, please visit: