The 7th annual HealthGrid conference is designed to bring together the fast-growing community of HealthGrid researchers and users and to foster closer interactions among them. The conference sessions address the multidisciplinary educational and professional development needs of the community, including Grid middleware and Grid applications developers, Biomedical and health informatics users, Security specialists and Policy makers.
Concurrent Workshops
- RADICAL - Road mapping technology for Enhancing Security to Protect Medical & Genetic Data
- EGI - European Grid Initiative and the Requirements for a Life Sciences Specific Support Centre
- TMF Grid Forum (invitees only)
- Health-e-Child - An integrated platform for European paediatrics based on a Grid-enabled network of leading clinical centres
- ACGT - Advanced Clinico Genomic Trials on Cancer, a project aiming at developing open-source, semantic and grid-based technologies in support of post genomic clinical trials in cancer research
- @neurIST - Integrated Biomedical Informatics for the Management of Cerebral Aneurysms, using high performance distributed computing with homogeneous data access and storage to heterogeneous data types
- D-Grid - the German Grid Initiative develops a distributed, integrated resource platĀ¬form for high-performance computing and related grid services
Core Technologies and Data Integration
- Metadata Extraction using Text Mining
- The GLOBE 3D Genome Platform: Towards A Novel System-Biological Paper Tool to Integrate the Huge Complexity of Genome Organization and Function
- Using Grid-Enabled Distributed Metadata Database to Index DICOM-SR
- XTENS - an eXTensible Environment for NeuroScience
- Preserving consent-for-consent with feasibility-assessment and recruitment in clinical studies: FARSITE architecture
- Running Medical Image Analysis on GridFactory Desktop Grid
- Application of Grid technology for automated detection of sleep disordered breathing
- Towards Production-level Cardiac Image Analysis with Grids
- An Easy Setup for Parallel Medical Image Processing: Using Taverna and ARC
- A Collaborative Environment Allowing Clinical Investigations on Integrated Biomedical Databases
- Enabling of Grid based Diffusion Tensor Imaging using a Workflow Implementation of FSL
- Grid computing for detailed hemodynamics-simulation-based planning of endovascular interventions
- DockFlow - a prototypic PharmaGrid for Virtual Screening Integrating Four Different Docking Tools
- Crossing HealthGrids Borders: Early Results in Medical Imaging
Socio-Economic Aspects & the Future of Grids
- Economic Performance and Sustainability of HealthGrids: Evidence from Two Case Studies
- Business Aspects and Sustainability for Healthgrids - an Expert Survey
- Ontology-Based Privacy Compliance on European Healthgrid Domains
- Perspectives of MediGRID
- Variance analysis as practice-based evidence?
- Semantic Security: Specification and Enforcement of Semantic Policies for Security-driven Collaborations
- A Robust Framework for Rapid Deployment of a Virtual Screening Laboratory
- Service Engineering for Grid Services in Medicine and Life Science
- Shared Genomics: High Performance Computing for distributed insights in genomic medical research
For further information and registration, please visit:
Related news articles:
- Call for Papers for the 7th HealthGrid Conference
- Knowledge Base on healthgrids has been developed
- A roadmap towards a European HealthGrid
- Call for Papers HealthGrid 2007 in Geneva
About HealthGrid
HealthGrid is an initiative that gathers means and people from different backgrounds wanting to reach one goal: to reinforce and to promote awareness of the possibilities and advantages linked to the deployment of Grid technologies in the biomedical sector.
The concept of HealthGrid is to develop a strong relationship with clinicians and researchers to gain feedback in integration of grid use into health and apply them in the biomedical, medical and biological domains.
For further information, please visit http://www.healthgrid.org.