There will also be discussions on the use of Grids in the public health sector. Going beyond the aspects of large-scale use of distributed computing capacities, the conference also addresses the collaborative use of applications and cooperation of researchers from biosciences and medicine working at different places far away from each other.
7th International HealthGrid Conference proposes 31 presentations of papers and posters, 9 demos, concurrent workshops and breakout sessions and 5 internationally renowned key note speakers:
- J. Bacquet - European Commission, Brussels
- P. V. Coveney - University College London
- z. Goble - University of Manchester
- C. Kesselman - University of Southern California
- J. Silverstein - University of Chicago
For further information and registration, please visit:
Related news articles:
- 7th HealthGrid International Conference Registration Open
- Call for Papers for the 7th HealthGrid Conference
- Knowledge Base on healthgrids has been developed
- A roadmap towards a European HealthGrid
- Call for Papers HealthGrid 2007 in Geneva
About HealthGrid
HealthGrid is an initiative that gathers means and people from different backgrounds wanting to reach one goal: to reinforce and to promote awareness of the possibilities and advantages linked to the deployment of Grid technologies in the biomedical sector.
The concept of HealthGrid is to develop a strong relationship with clinicians and researchers to gain feedback in integration of grid use into health and apply them in the biomedical, medical and biological domains.
For further information, please visit http://www.healthgrid.org.