ACCESS-IT 2009 Awards
This year even more nominations are expected since last year. Finalists and competition winners of last year have exploited fruitfully their award with the support also of ACCESS-IT team and it proved to be a very good marketing tool for them. However, the most important benefit is that a wide range of people with disabilities and elderly and their communities (carers, family, rehabilitation experts, SEN professionals, AT experts, etc) from all around Europe are informed on the awarded ICT services and products and how they can use them.
This year, four special awards are launched:
1. ACCESS-IT@Home This award will recognise an ICT based project, product or service that advances independent living for people with disabilities or elderly.
2. ACCESS-IT @Work This award will recognise an ICT based project, product or service that facilitates persons with disability to work independently.
3. ACCESS-IT@Learning This award will recognise an ICT based project, product or service that facilitates persons with disability or elderly to get educated in an affordable, accessible, usable and efficient manner.
4. ACCESS-IT@ Web2.0 This award will recognise a project, product or service that advances accessibility on web 2.0. ACCESS-IT event in general and especially ACCESS-IT @Web2.0 award are endorsed by IWA (International Webmasters Association).
In order to manage efficiently the significant number of nominations that are expected, the ACCESS-IT 2009 nominations will be submitted online only. Submission deadline of nominations: 25th August 2009.
For further information and registration, please visit: