In 2010 TeleHealth, the leading international trade show for digital medicine, will boast an extended program for exhibitors and trade show visitors. The event will reflect the keen interest shown in the technology and solutions on display in Hannover this year.
More than 16,000 professionals visited TeleHealth 2009, part of the CeBIT line-up, and were able to learn about all the latest developments in health information technology. The new extended concept for 2010 is based on three elements: a specialist conference, an exhibition and the special platform "FutureCare" "Mindful of the needs of the sector, the continued development and refinement of our holistic concept ensures the sustained growth of TeleHealth", explains Ernst Raue, Board Member of Deutsche Messe AG.
More talks, more content, more knowledge transfer
At the coming event the international conference held as part of TeleHealth will, for the first time, run for the full five days of CeBIT. From 2 to 6 March 2010, Hall 8 at the Hannover Exhibition Grounds will see leading experts answering a vast range of questions relating to the theme of "Man, IT and Health". There will be lectures on various scientific aspects as well as numerous company presentations designed to illustrate how the products and solutions featured in the exhibition perform in practice.
The keynote themes of the conference include Prevention, Infrastructure, Telemonitoring and Homecare / Ambient Assisted Living. It was also decided to arrange the program in themed days, a measure designed to appeal to the different target groups and help them focus on their specialist areas. For example, on Wednesday the program will be geared to GP's, while Saturday's theme will concentrate on the use of IT in home and inpatient care. Decision-makers and managers from clinics and care homes, the pharmaceutical sector, as well as the health insurance sector will find that the lecture program on Thursday and Friday addresses their field of interest. TeleHealth is thus well placed to serve as a major communication platform for government, business and users of IT solutions in the health sector.
FutureCare demonstrates the advances in digital medicine
In-depth information can also be gathered from the special "FutureCare" platform organized by Germany's IT industry association BITKOM. "FutureCare" was launched at TeleHealth 2009 in order to highlight the advances taking place in IT-aided medicine through the presentation of actual situations where it is applied. In 2010 FutureCare will be developed further into a valuable learning platform for visitors. The themes and content of the conference and exhibition will be coordinated. For instance, there will be guided tours on the keynote themes of Prevention, Infrastructure, Telemonitoring and Ambient Assisted Living.
The TeleHealth exhibition provides manufacturers, service providers and suppliers of IT technology with an ideal opportunity to present their latest concepts, solutions and products. In addition to telemedical technology, the focus will be on solutions in health care management und eHealth. For example, the German health IT body gematik (Gesellschaft für Telematikanwendungen der Gesundheits-karte) will be staging a stand to demonstrate how the digital health card and the health professional card can be integrated in the workflow of general practitioners at patient reception and during treatment, as well as at pharmacies. This presentation will thus afford an insight into the networking of different areas within the health care system.
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Related news articles:
- TeleHealth 2009: New Impetus for Telemedicine
- CeBIT 2009 - TeleHealth 2009 Boasts an Extended Program
- Congress, Networking Opportunities and Exhibition - All Under One Roof
- New Informational Technologies at TeleHealth 2008
- TeleHealth 2008 Fully Integrated Into CeBIT
- Successful premiere of the TeleHealth conference/exhibition
- Corporate Lecture Forum - TeleHealth 2007
- TeleHealth 2007 - premieres with top-notch conference program
- Deutsche Messe AG establishes new "TeleHealth" congress in parallel with CeBIT