The workshop aims at offering a panoramic view of the state of the art of models utilising genetic and clinical information for optimisation of treatment, with a background on infectious diseases. It addresses IT, physical-mathematic and bio-medical communities.
You can have your say, comment or suggest a contribution within September 15 clicking on the workshop description here
Chairman: Maurizio Zazzi (Biologia molecolare, University of Siena, Italy).
- Introduction: "Challenges for optimization of treatment of infectious diseases". Maurizio Zazzi
- "Improved prediction of response to antiretroviral combination therapy using evolutionary models". Andre Altman (Computational biology, Max Planck I. Saarbrücken, Germany)
- "Jensen-Shannon semi-supervised learning and its application to clinical HIV data". Michal ROSEN-ZVI (IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel)
- "GRID computing for best treatment prediction". Peter Sloot - C.A. Boucher (Computational Science, University of Amsterdam, The Nederland)
- "Pharmacogenomics and pharmainformatics for improving medicinal treatments: the INFOBIOMED experience". Ferran Sanz (GRIB, IMIM-PRBB-UPF, Spain).
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