conhIT 2009 was very well received by visitors and exhibitors alike, confirmation that the event's innovative concept was a success. Two years after its launch, and under the slogan of "connecting Healthcare IT", the event now combines an industrial fair, academy, congress and networking opportunities. Among members of the healthcare community it has already become a firmly established fixture. The organisers were delighted with the increase in visitors and exhibitor numbers, 30 per cent more than at the debut event in 2008, and they are currently targeting further growth in 2010. Numerous exhibitors, among them the industry’s market leaders, have already registered to take part in the conhIT industrial fair.
Andreas Lange, Chairman of the Board of the German Association of the Healthcare IT Industry(VHitG): "We will continue along this path. Planning for conhIT 2010 made direct use of the input by those involved, their requests, suggestions and constructive criticism." Thus in 2010 the individual parts of conhIT will be even more closely connected with each other, with the opening hours of the industrial fair, congress and academy overlapping at certain times in the morning. The venues for this industry gathering will now occupy adjacent areas. The conference rooms will be located directly inside the trade fair halls, seamlessly merging the areas providing both a theoretical and practical focus. VHitG aims to maintain the event's high standards and realise new ideas in cooperation with Messe Berlin, the partners of conhIT, and members of VHitG. Among the main aims are a greater focus on networking, and furthering direct contact between users and exhibitors, which also includes opportunities outside the opening times of the industrial fair, congress and academy.
The conhIT advisory committee, which includes more than 30 representatives of the most important target audiences, has already decided on next year’s topics and is currently putting them together. A total of ten congress sessions will take a fascinating look at the many current aspects of healthcare IT, and using various formats alternately highlight the points of view represented by science, industry, users and politics. Thus a visit to the congress offers exhibitors and visitors an ideal starting point for continuing talks at the industrial fair and networking events. A call for papers will be announced in late November. Exhibitors at conhIT are welcome to apply and submit their paper for the congress.
conhIT was conceived by VhitG, and as a platform for the healthcare IT industry promotes active dialogue between manufacturers, users and science. It targets decision-makers in IT departments, management, in the medical profession, nursing, doctors, doctors’ networks and medical care centres who need to find out about the latest developments in IT and healthcare, meet members of the industry and make use of opportunities for high-level advanced training.
As an integrated event, over a period of three days conhIT combines the displays, services and opportunities which attract the industry's attention. The congress and academy focus on the advanced training requirements of exhibitors and users and the topics are put together by representatives of the respective target audiences. The industrial fair, the main focus of conhIT and Germany's leading exhibition for healthcare IT, provides information on products and services and presents innovations, trends and established IT solutions. Opening times and individual content are coordinated to let participants benefit from each part of the event. In 2009 172 exhibitors displayed their products at the industrial fair. By booking early exhibitors can make sure of the best places at the industrial fair.
For further information (for visitors and exhibitors), please visit: