HealthGrid 2007 is the fifth annual conference dedicated to grids for life science and healthcare. The goal of the conference is to give an opportunity to all stakeholders to review the status of the grid technology and to evaluate the progress made in the development and deployment of grid applications for life sciences, medical research and healthcare.
The conference programme will include a number of high-profile keynote presentations complemented by a set of high quality refereed papers which will be selected through the present call for papers. The selected papers will be published in the series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics published by IOS Press (http://www.iospress.nl/) referenced in Medline. These oral contributions will be complemented by poster and demo sessions also selected through the present call.
Conference attendees are Grid middleware and Grid applications developers, Biomedical and Health Informatics users and security and policy makers who participate in a set of multidisciplinary sessions with a common interest for health. In this context, health covers all dimensions from molecule to man.
Contributions can be made as full research papers (up to 5,000 words in length, and maximum 10 pages) and / or as demonstrations. Selection for oral or poster presentation will be based on the content of the submitted papers, their originality and contribution, technical quality, style and clarity of presentation and importance to the field.
All conference participants will receive a complimentary copy of the articles on CD. The selected papers will be published in a volume in the serie Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. All papers should be submitted through the web.
For further information, please visit: