Following the success of the first edition in Paris in April 2010, the 2nd annual Health 2.0 Europe in Berlin has been announced. The 2010 event gathered over 500 delegates in its first year and showcased the best of Europe's Health 2.0 offerings with some American input too. Co-hosted with K.I.T. Group, the 2nd edition will reconvene all the leaders and stakeholders in web 2.0 health: IT solution providers, health professionals, patient organizations, health authorities, public and private insurance organizations, medical devices and pharmaceutical companies, telecom groups, VC and financiers, policy makers, academics and more...
2011 Program Highlights
Health 2.0 Europe integrates the best of European web/mobile based technologies, and compares, contrasts and contextualizes them with leading examples of Health 2.0 from around the world. Health 2.0 Europe will be seeing what works in the context of Europe's evolving healthcare systems, and what the "boundary-less" online world means for consumers and physicians working in distinct healthcare systems - all in the lauded format of "rapid-fire" technology demos, provocative keynotes, and interactive discussions. 2011 themes will include:
- Patient and physician social networks
- Search & content
- Communities and data production
- Consumer and provider tools
- Health promotion and wellness 2.0
- Behavior change tools
- Privacy, data, trust
- Data utility layer & tools
- System integration
- Health 2.0 financing
- Mobile devices and smart phones
There'll also be a presentation of the latest thinking about Health 2.0 in the European context, special videos, and an unconference session.
A signature of the Health 2.0 conferences, Launch!, will be back by popular demand. Come witness live demos of debuting technologies that will shape the future of healthcare.
Make it your event. Get involved now!
To submit a topic, a speaker, or a start up for the Launch! session, or to inquire about becoming a partner of the event, please contact:
Pascal Lardier, Director, International conferences
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Historical Venue
After the Cité Internationale in April 2010, the 2011 event is taking us to yet another historical landmark: the Langenbeck-Virchow building of the Charité Hospital and University of Medicine.
It was built in 1914-15 to be the seat of the German Surgical Society and the Berlin Medical Association. From 1950 to 1976, the Parliament of East Germany was constituted in its auditorium and started convening in the Great Hall. After the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989 and a long legal conflict, the German Surgical Society and the Berlin Medical Association returned to their home.
For further information and registration, please visit: