If you are in the Health 2.0 space and offer a technology or service that is particularly innovative or provides a solution to a major healthcare challenge, Health 2.0 wants to hear from you! In general, most of the programming consists of panels with speakers showing their technology in 4-minute demos, and commentators reflecting on what they hear and how it will fit into healthcare from their perspective, followed by interaction with the demonstrators.
Themes for 2011 will include:
- Patient and physician social networks
- Search & content
- Communities and data production
- Consumer and provider tools
- Health promotion, behavior change and Wellness 2.0
- Data utility layer & tools
- System integration
- Health 2.0 financing
- Cloud computing and unplatforms
More information on the programme is available at http://www.health2con.com/europe/.
Decisions on panelists are made by the organizers in close consultation with our Advisory Board. It is a highly selective process as the topic of the conference, audience interest, diversity of presenters and format of panels are taken into consideration.