Following the success of the first event in Paris in April 2010, the 2nd annual Health 2.0 Europe will showcase the best of Europe's user-generated healthcare and reconvene over 500 leaders and stakeholders including: IT solution providers, health professionals, patient organizations, health authorities, public and private insurance organizations, medical device and pharmaceutical companies, telecom groups, VC and financiers, policy makers, and academics.
Themes for 2011 will include:
- Search, Content and Communities - The Next Generation of Information Sharing
- Cool tools to connect stakeholders and promote the co-production of healthcare
- Medical Research 2.0: Channeling data for clinical insights
- Empowering patients - Promoting self-management - Improving outcomes in chronic care
- Monitoring, motivating and changing behaviours
The conference will convene with over 50 European and international experts on Health 2.0 including:
Michael ALVERS, Transinsight GmbH (DE)
Frank ANTWERPES, DocCheck (DE)
Roberto ASCIONE, Publicis Healthware International (IT)
Greg BIGGERS, Genomera (US)
Jonathan BLOOR, DocCom (UK)
Miguel CABRER, Medting (SP)
Stephen COOK, 23 Gears Web Systems (SE)
Chris COOPER, EPG Health Media (UK)
Laurent COUSSIRAT, The Mood Institute (FR)
Jorge Juan FERNANDEZ, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (SP)
Christian FUNK and Ulrich SCHULZE-ALTHOFF, Medisana Space Technologies GmbH (DE)
Pablo GRAIVER, TrialReach (UK/IL)
Gábor GYARMATI, Szinapszis Group (HU)
Anna GYARMATI, KamaszPanasz (HU)
Robert HALKES, Drimpy (NL)
Bartho HENGST, KWF Kankerbestrijding (NL)
Matthew HOLT and Indu SUBAIYA, co-founders of Health 2.0 (US)
Matt JAMESON EVANS, HealthUnlocked (UK)
Britta LANG, Cochrane Collaboration (DE)
Howard LAST, Active Medicine Ltd (UK)
Frederic LLORDACHS, Doctoralia (SP)
Tim RINGROSE, Networks in Health/Doctors.net.uk (UK)
Alberto SANNA, Fondazione Centro San Raffaele (IT)
René SIELHORST, Intenz (NL)
Emma STANTON, Department of Health (UK)
Dennis VAN ROOIJ, medCrowd (NL/UK)
Marco VITULA, Diagnosia (AT)
Take a look at Health 2.0 Europe 2011 programme.
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