Following the success of our first event in Paris in April 2010, the 2nd annual Health 2.0 Europe to hip Berlin. The 2010 event gathered over 500 delegates in its first year and showcased the best of Europe's Health 2.0 offering.
The 2nd edition will reconvene all the leaders and stakeholders in web 2.0 for health: IT solution providers, health professionals, patient organizations, health authorities, public and private insurance organizations, medical devices and pharmaceutical companies, telecom groups, VC and financiers, policy makers, academics and more...
Health investor Esther Dyson to present on 'From Health to Wellness 2.0'
An active investor in technology start-ups with a keen interest in the potential of internet technology to change healthcare, Esther Dyson from EDventure Holdings will present on 'From Health to Wellness 2.0'. Her health technology investments include Medstory, sold to Microsoft in 2007, 23andMe, Habit Labs, Medscape, OrganizedWisdom, PatientsLikeMe and ReliefInsite.
Over 35 speakers already confirmed
Confirmed speakers also include:
- Roberto ASCIONE, Publicis Healthware International, Italy
- Alberto SANNA, Fondazione Centro San Raffaele, Italy
- Gábor GYARMATI, Szinapszis Group, Hungary
- Anna GYARMATI, KamaszPanasz, Hungary
- Emma STANTON, Department of Health, UK
- Chris COOPER, EPG Health Media, UK
- Matt JAMESON EVANS, HealthUnlocked, UK
- Tim RINGROSE, Networks in Health/Doctors.net.uk, UK,
- Howard LAST, Active Medicine Ltd, UK
- Jonathan BLOOR, DocCom, UK
- Frank ANTWERPES, DocCheck, Germany
- Michael ALVERS, Transinsight GmbH, Germany
- Britta LANG, Cochrane Collaboration, Germany
- Jorge Juan FERNANDEZ, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Spain
- Frederic LLORDACHS, Doctoralia, Spain
- Miguel CABRER, Medting, Spain
- Bartho HENGST, KWF Kankerbestrijding, The Netherlands
- René SIELHORST, Intenz, The Netherlands
- Joris MOOLENAAR, IPPZ, The Netherlands
- Robert HALKES, Drimpy, The Netherlands
- Jasper TEN DAM, my Jellinek, The Netherlands
- Marco VITULA, Diagnosia, Austria
- Stephen COOK, 23 Gears Web Systems, Sweden
- Anna OMSTEDT LINDGREN, MedUniverse, Sweden
- Greg BIGGERS, Genomera, US
- Pablo GRAIVER, TrialReach, UK/Israel
- Dennis VAN ROOIJ, medCrowd, UK/The Netherlands
- Laurent COUSSIRAT, The Mood Institute, France
- Ulrich SCHULZE-ALTHOFF, Medisana Space Technologies GmbH, Germany
- Roman SCHENK, Protegia GmbH, Germany
- Rachel IREDALE, Cancer Genetics Story Bank, UK
- Wouter TUIL, MijnZorgnet, NL
- Roman RITTWEGER, Advisors in Healthcare
- David Clifford, PatientsLikeMe, USA
- Kai Sostmann, Charité University Hospital, Germany
- Topi Hanhela, Pharmaceutical Information Centre, Finland
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