The 3rd international and patient inclusive Doctors 2.0™ & You congress is still accepting applications for speakers, sponsors, posters and start-ups. Doctors 2.0™ and You, in pursuit of its mission to make things better for patients everywhere, is a "patient inclusive" conference patients includedwhich engages physicians and healthcare providers to interact with patients, industry, government and payers. This engagement covers the considered use of health 2.0 tools, communities, apps and social media for the improvement of care.
Topics will include: Social Media and medical storytelling, blogs and video, online communities, mobile apps and accessories, quantified self, big data, trial recruitment, serious games, personal health records, drug rating...
Doctors 2.0™ & You is again partnering with Medicine X conference, organized by Dr Larry Chu of Stanford Medical School.
According to Dr Berci Mesko (Hungary), Europe's leading physician in social media and an international ambassador for Doctors 2.0™ & You, "if you can attend only one conference this year, it should be Doctors 2.0 & You, my favorite for its content and the people."
Kerri Sparling, patient advocate and well-known blogger in diabetes (USA) along with Berci Mesko are the first two 2013 keynotes announced by conference organizer, Denise Silber. "We are delighted by this first selection; to propose one patient and one physician, from two continents, male and female, who are both truly dedicated to the improvement of care through web 2.0 and social media."
The Doctors 2.0™ & You program includes 16 parallel sessions, intense networking, awards and contests, and, of course, the plenary. Previous keynotes have included Jennifer Dyer (US), Lucien Engelen (Netherlands), Victor Montori (US), Yossi Bahagon (Israel) and Denise Silber (France).
The participation of representatives from nearly 30 countries makes for a most unique networking experience.
Patient representatives should contact the organizers for free seats, space providing, on a first come, first served basis.
Early Bird rates run until December 15th 2012
For further information, please visit:
About Doctors 2.0™ & You
Now in its third edition, Doctors 2.0™ & You is the first international conference of its kind to examine how doctors and patients are using social media, applications and web 2.0 tools to work with peers, governments, industry and payers. The conference draws on the expertise of physicians, patient communities, online and mobile tool providers, hospitals, insurers, pharmaceutical companies and governments to help address the role of new technology in healthcare from both the doctor and patient perspective.