Doctors 2.0 & You, the annual international healthcare social media conference in Paris, is hosting an open tweetchat on diabetes, insulin, and social media. This one-hour tweetchat will be supported by a team of bilingual (English and French) moderators, partners in a project to present original research at the Doctors 2.0 & You conference in Paris, on June 6 - 7, 2013.
The research is developed by LexisNexis Business Information Solutions, in collaboration with Doctors 2.0 & You. The president of the French Diabetes Association, regional Paris Chapter, AFD75 will participate in the tweetchat, as well as representatives of the GBDOC, Great Britain Diabetes Online Community, joining Doctors 2.0 & You and LexisNexis Business Information Solutions. They will all be present at Doctors 2.0 & You in June. The name of the research study is ISMOR, Insulin Social Media Original Research. The study will result from the analysis of more than 200 social media resources concerning diabetes and insulin in England and France. Diabetes concerns more than 3 million patients in France and more than 3.7 million in the UK. The transcript of the Tweet-up will be posted on the Doctors 2.0 & You site and transmitted via Social Media.
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About Doctors 2.0 & You
On June 6-7, 2013, the 3rd Edition of Doctors 2.0 & You, founded by Denise Silber, Basil Strategies, will take place at the Cité Universitaire Internationale, Paris. innovators and practitioners from all walks of healthcare (patients, professionals, hospitals, industry, government, payers) will rally from Europe, North America, Middle East, and Asia to share best practices in healthcare social media, online communities, eReputation, mobile health and Gamification. The 400+ attendees will include 60+ speakers, poster presenters, start-up contestants, exhibitors, sponsors, conference ambassadors and organizers, and delegates.
Doctors 2.0 & You 2013 will focus on the real world experience of collaborative digital innovation in numerous disease conditions. Doctors 2.0 & You provides the opportunity to get a 360° view of the best in International Healthcare Social Media practices around the world thanks to the diversity of its speakers. To date, they include 13 patients, 18 women, 20+ healthcare professionals, private, not for profit, and public sectors, 13 European countries, North America, Middle East & Asia... For more information, please visit www.doctors20.com.