Were you aware that Belgians were responsible for drawing the very first plan of shipping routes, for the construction of the first dynamo and for the thesis postulating the "Big Bang" theory? Not only do the spirit of discovery and innovativeness have a long tradition in Belgium, they can also be found today in the highly specialized field of healthcare IT. Industry insiders will be able to see this for themselves at conhIT - Europe's most important event for healthcare IT.
Among more than 300 exhibitors at this year's conhIT will be over 20 companies from Belgium. They will be presenting their products, IT solutions and services for the healthcare and medical sector during this three-day event on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. Belgian exhibits encompass every facet of the industry, from mobile applications for organizing doctors' appointments to the latest technology for monitoring patients.
Meetings and Business Matchmaking
As the partner country, Belgium is also making a significant contribution to conhIT with a number of events. On the first day these will include the "Belgian Conference Session" organized by the Belgian professional association Agoria, and a "conhIT International Session". To encourage the establishment of contacts and lasting business relationships between German and Belgian companies, the second day of the fair will feature an exclusive "B2B Matchmaking Session" for members of the professional associations responsible for the organizational arrangements. The "Belgian Happy Hour" will provide an excellent opportunity for all participants to conduct stimulating discussions in relaxed surroundings.
Belgium's involvement as the partner country of conhIT and the opportunities that this presents for companies have been summed up as follows by Jürgen Maerschand, Commercial Attaché for the Flanders Region: "In Belgium we have one of the world's most highly developed systems of healthcare and furthermore we enjoy a reputation as a powerful and reliable partner in the field of e-health applications. As a specialized meeting place for the industry, conhIT provides our Belgian exhibitors with an ideal platform for discussions at a very high level, and with the right partners. The Matchmaking Sessions have been designed to assist companies in their search for suitable contacts."
In the opinion of the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors - bvitg e.V., the fact that Belgium is acting as this year’s partner country is a big plus for conhIT and for the industry as a whole. Bernhard Calmer, Chairman of the Board of bvitg: "Europe is becoming increasingly integrated and the exchange of views and ideas between national healthcare systems is intensifying all the time. For healthcare IT in particular this presents certain challenges, because the various systems are subject to specific regional characteristics, for example with regard to regulatory requirements. The presence of Belgian experts and companies at conhIT 2013 is eagerly awaited by everyone involved in this sector, because it presents a wealth of opportunities for engaging in discussions with one another, for learning from each other and for initiating joint projects."
Prominent politicians from Belgium at conhIT
Among those from the political scene who have announced their intention of attending conhIT are the Belgian ambassador to Germany, Renier Nijskens, and the Minister-President of the Flemish Government, Kris Peeters. Both of them will be speaking at the opening ceremonies of conhIT. The Flemish Minister of Health, Jo Vandeurzen, will also be attending conhIT as a member of an official delegation from Flanders.
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About conhIT - Connecting Healthcare IT
conhIT targets decision-makers in IT departments, management, in the medical profession, nursing, doctors, doctors’ networks and medical care centres who need to find out about the latest developments in IT and healthcare, meet members of the industry and make use of opportunities for high-level advanced training. As an integrated event, over a period of three days conhIT combines an Industrial Fair, a Congress and Networking Events which are of particular interest to this sector. Launched in 2008 by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg) as the meeting place for the healthcare IT industry and organised by Messe Berlin, this event in 2012 recorded 270 exhibitors and 5,300 visitors and has now become Europe’s leading event for the healthcare IT sector.
conhIT 2013 is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), the German Association of Medical Computer Scientists (BVMI). The National Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Working Group of Directors of Medical Computing Centres at German University Clinics (ALKRZ) have provided contributions to the subject matter.