Health 2.0 Europe is about leveraging the international Health 2.0 community to promote cross-pollination of ideas and technology collaboration. Mark your calendars to join the best in health technology for brilliant keynotes, thought-provoking sessions, networking, and a code-a-thon.
2013 Topics Will Include:
- Improving and enriching the doctor-patient relationship
- Extending the care community
- Sensors and trackers: From quantifying the self to listening to your body
- Design strategies for app adherence
- Body and soul: Placing health back at the centre of life
- From big to smart and open - just how we like data!
- Health 2.0 for the brain
- Sexual health and other unmentionables
Everyone in health innovation has a reason to attend:
- Health entrepreneurs learn about the latest trends, meet new players, survey competitors, network with potential integration partners, and flirt with investors.
- Investors spot the latest trends and investment opportunities, and engage with future game changers in health technology.
- Health professionals discover tools that will transform their daily practice and enrich their relationship with patients.
- Patients experience the latest in personalizing their access to online medical information and co-producing their own health.
- Pharma and suppliers discover new ways to listen, connect, and collaborate with patients and doctors.
- Payers and insurers witness LIVE demos of the technologies that have the highest potential to improve outcomes and reduce costs.
For further information, sponsorship and speaking opportunities, please visit: