The European Telemedicine Conference is a unique event, which allows you to meet and network with successful telemedicine leaders and experts from UK, USA, Scotland, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Greece and many other countries who have demonstrated continual success.
With the theme for 2013 being "A map of telemedicine that works" - an in depth look at the practical telemedicine, telecare and mobile health implementations, best practices, research, development and innovation - the speaker list offers a diverse range of topics for delegates to discuss, debate and learn about.
The conference offers three tracks themed:
- Living Well with Telehealthcare!
- Telemedicine - From Research and Documentation to Best Practice.
- Telemedicine - Experiences from the Clinical Reality.
An outstanding line up of speakers from around the world has been confirmed
From Scotland
- Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland
- Dr. Anne Hendry, Joint Improvement Team, National Clinical Lead, NHS Scotland
- Stella Clark, Mental Health Lead, NHS Fife
- Dr. Jeremy Keen, Consultant, Highland Hospice
- Libby Morris, National Clinical Lead e Health, Scottish Government
From England
- Anna Campbell, Project manager, GSM Association
- Prof. George Crooks, OBE, Medical Director NHS 24
- Prof. James Ferguson, Consultant Surgeon in Emergency Medicine, NHS
- Dr. Malcolm Fisk, Co Director of the Age Research Centre, Health Design and Technology Institute, Coventry University
- Janette Hughes, Service Development Manager - Living it Up, NHS 24
- Philip Northam, Samsung Electronics LTD, UK
- Tony McLaren, Breathing Space Project Coordinator, Scotland
- Dr. Angus Watson, Director of Research and Development, NHS Highland
From USA
- Kelly A. Blasco, Ph.D., Counseling Psychologist, Mobile Health Program, National Center for Telehealth and Technology, US Army
- Dr. Scott R. Gunn, Associate Professor, CCM University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Nancy A. Landman, CIO UPMC Hospitals
- Lawrence Wechsler, Professor of Neurology, UPMC
- Dr. Andrew R. Watson, Vice President, International and Commercial Services Division, Executive Director, Telemedicine, UPMC
- Dr. John P Williams, MD, Safar Professor and Chair, UPP Anesthesiology Associate Medical and Scientific Director ICSD University of Pittsburgh
From Denmark
- Mickael Bech, University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Public Health
- Kristian Kidholm, Associate Professor, HTA Specialist, Odense University Hospital, Region of Southern Denmark
- Claus Duedal Pedersen, Chief Consultant, Odense University Hospital
- Anne Sorknaes, Specialized Nurse and PhD Candidate in the Renewing Health Project, Odense University Hospital, Region of Southern Denmark
From Norway
- Dr. Eirik Årsand, Researcher, Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine
- Line Helen Linstad, Department Manager Prevention and Selfmanagement, Norwegian Center for Integrated Care and Telemedicine
- Geir Oyvind Stensland, Leader of Psychiatry Department, University Hospital North Norway
From Belgium
- Marc Lange, Secretary General, EHTEL, Momentum Project
- Petra Wilson, Director, Public Sector Health Care, Cisco, HIMSS Cisco, Continua Health Alliance
From Greece
- Dr. Alexandra Bargiota, Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly
- George Dafoulas, MD, MBA, PhD Candidate, e-health Services Consultant, e-trikala, Municipality of Trikala
From The Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Heleen Riper, Senior Researcher, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Professor eMental Health, Leuphana University
From Israel
- Rachelle Kaye, Maccabi Multidisciplinary Centre
From Spain
- Esteban de Manuel, Director, Kronigune, Basque Country
- José Luis Rocha, General Secretary of Quality and Modernization of the Health Department of Andalusia
For further information, please visit:
About HIMSS Europe
HIMSS Europe is dedicated to bringing together all the major players in the Health ICT community to transcend borders and languages and engender a truly regional dialogue. As members of HIMSS Europe, individual professionals (managers, administrators, clinicians, technology experts and users), vendor companies and IT providers meet, interact and learn from one another.
With the opening of its Europe office in Brussels, HIMSS is now positioned to provide activities, programmes and education specifically designed for the Europe Health ICT community. Guided by a Governing Council of members from within the Europe region, the HIMSS Europe staff will focus on the needs of individual and corporate members across Europe to ensure dedicated services and membership value.