Registration is already open for the HIMSS Europe CIO Summit, the annual conference at which senior healthcare executives and leading experts in new technologies applied to health from all over Europe meet. This year's fourth edition will once again be held in Spain, but this time in Madrid, and it is expected to bring together more than 500 senior healthcare executives and leading eHealth providers to share experiences and discuss the challenges faced in the path towards the paperless hospital.
At this meeting, the best IT practices applied to health in Europe are recognised and shared. This year, the conference is to be called "Improving Quality of Care Through IT". The programme includes ten sessions and optional events such as a guided tour of a hospital and the eHealth Roadshow, in addition to the dinner at which the Stage 6 and 7 HIMSS Analytics Europe Awards will be presented.
The HIMSS Europe CIO Summit will be attended by leading healthcare professionals, from senior executives, doctors, pharmacists and nurses to the industry's top players. The last edition was attended by over 170 delegates, from more than 10 countries. Setting benchmarks, adopting a classification system, visiting a hospital and establishing an extensive network of contacts make this forum an opportunity not to be missed by those who wish to turn medical service providers into proficient IT users. This is the forum where leaders take the decisions of the future.
As part of the celebration of the Summit, HIMSS Analytics Europe - HIMSS Europe's subsidiary- awards hospitals in the achievements of the EMRAM (Electronical Medical Record Adoption Model). To date, over 1.900 hospitals have taken part in the HIMSS Analytics Europe annual study. Spain now also has a hospital that has been awarded Stage 7, the highest rating in HIMSS Analytics' Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model. This score has only been matched by two hospitals in Europe. On the basis of the pioneering role played by Spain in the eHealth sector in Europe and the success of last year's summit in Palma de Mallorca, HIMSS Europe has once again chosen Spain to organise this eHealth event", said Manuel Vallina, the senior advisor for HIMSS Europe in Spain.
For further information about HIMSS Europe CIO Summit, please visit:
About HIMSS Europe
HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Founded 52 years ago, HIMSS and its related organizations are headquartered in Chicago with additional offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. HIMSS
represents nearly 50,000 individual members, of which more than two thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations.
HIMSS also includes over 570 corporate members and more than 225 not-for-profit partner organizations that share our mission of transforming healthcare through the effective use of information technology and management systems. HIMSS frames and leads healthcare practices and public policy through its content expertise, professional development, research initiatives, and media vehicles designed to promote information and management systems’ contributions to improving the quality, safety, access, and cost-effectiveness of patient care.
To learn more about HIMSS and to find out how to join us and our members in advancing our cause, please visit our website at www.himss.org