Following the success of the conhIT Congress in 2013, under the supervision of its new president Prof Dr Paul Schmücker the 2014 Congress will feature 18 sessions instead of 12. From 7 to 31 October Healthcare IT professionals can apply to hold papers at six sessions. Details of the call for papers are now available online.
The Congress plays an important part in enabling exhibitors and visitors at conhIT to keep abreast of latest developments and its emphasis is on papers offering practical information. Delegates at the last Congress were polled with the help of new voting tools, and in order to fulfil the requests received the event will expand still further. Taking as its slogan "Modern healthcare using IT", starting in 2014 the Congress will feature 18 sessions on key industry topics that will now take place in three instead of two halls.
The advisory committee decided upon the main topics on 24 September in Berlin. Details will be published in a visitor flyer in November and the exact content will be put together by the end of the year. A total of 45 committee members are working to organise a quality programme of outstanding events and making every effort to satisfy the audiences' needs. The list of committee members is effectively a who's who of the world of healthcare IT and includes high-ranking representatives of associations, administrations, ministries, industry and science.
Call for papers announced on 7 October - applications are invited online - the deadline is 31 October.
As in previous years anyone involved in healthcare IT can submit their entry on a suitable topic for the sessions listed by the call for papers. The session titles are as follows:
- IT strategy, IT marketing and IT service management - a necessary evil or a path to success?
- Managing resources vs. managing treatment
- Maximising efficiency through IT process support
- Mobility and usability
- Use of social media and e-learning in healthcare institutions
- Networked medical systems
Applications can be submitted directly using the contact form on the conhIT website (www.conhit.com, Congress and Academy, Call For Papers), where in addition to general information on the call for papers visitors can also find details of the session topics.
Any companies wishing to submit a paper must be represented at the Industrial Fair as exhibitors. The deadline for registrations for the Industrial Fair is 5 December 2013.
Newly formed executive committee of the Congress
Prof Dr Paul Schmücker, the president of gmds, heads the executive committee of the Congress as with immediate effect. Schmücker has been involved with conhIT since 2009. He was previously a member of the advisory committee and was deputy president of Networking Events. As president of the Congress he takes over from Prof Dr Peter Haas, who will continue to be on the advisory committee. Dr Carl Dujat of BVMI is also leaving the executive committee, but will continue to be an active member of the advisory committee. His successor is Dr Christoph Seidel, who will take over as president of BVMI on 1 January 2014. ALKRZ's representative on the executive committee is Stefan Smers, who is taking over from Udo Timmermann. KH-IT is represented by Helmut Schlegel, who was previously a member of the advisory committee. Andreas Kassner will continue to be an active member of bvitg. Together with the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the organisation responsible for conceiving conhIT, gmds, BVMI, KH-IT and ALKRZ are involved in organising conhIT and in putting together the Congress.
About conhIT - Connecting Healthcare IT
conhIT targets decision-makers in IT departments, management, in the medical profession, healthcare services and administration, nursing, doctors, doctors' networks and medical care centres who need to find out about the latest developments in IT and healthcare, meet members of the industry and make use of opportunities for high-level advanced training. As an integrated event, over a period of three days conhIT combines an Industrial Fair, a Congress and Networking Events that are of particular interest to this sector. Launched in 2008 by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg) as the meeting place for the healthcare IT industry and organised by Messe Berlin, this event recently recorded 320 exhibitors and 5,980 visitors in 2013 and has now become Europe’s leading event for the healthcare IT sector.
conhIT is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (gmds), the German Association of Medical Computer Scientists (BVMI). The National Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Working Group of Directors of Medical Computing Centres at German University Clinics (ALKRZ) have provided contributions to the subject matter.