European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) announced the first details of the ECHAlliance @ Mobile World Congress that will be held at Fira Montjuïc, in Barcelona. Mobile World Congress is the premier meeting place for mobile professionals and over 72,000 attendees are expected. For the first time there will be a mobile Health & Wellness specialized conference in the Mobile World Congress, thanks to the mPowered Industries program. This program comprises a range of vertical industry conferences and exhibitions and is led by well-known and highly regarded industry leaders in areas such as health, marketing and advertising, media and travel. ECHAlliance, as the leading Connected Health membership organisation in Europe, will lead the mPowered Industries Mobile Health & Wellness vertical conference and exhibition programme.
ECHAlliance @ Mobile World Congress 2014 event and exhibition will focus on the intersection of mobile/wireless and healthcare delivery. It will show the latest developments in connected and mobile developments, including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets, health technology trends, apps, start-up companies and policies that affect providers, consumers and patients.
"We believe this first-time focus on Health and Wellness during Mobile World Congress creates opportunities for stakeholders to engage meaningfully with mobile operators and others to identify and remove the obstacles delaying and preventing deployments at scale which would bring benefits to citizens and commercial opportunities for industry," said Brian O'Connor, Chair, ECHAlliance. "Government health departments representatives, policy makers, industry experts, health providers, patients and other experts from all around the world will discuss how to empower consumers, citizens, health and social care providers and purchasers through the use of mobile technology and how can innovative business models and investments support and drive the Health & Wellness agenda."
High level programme
An impressive line-up of international speakers, panellists and opinion leaders from across the globe will share real experiences of innovative Health & Wellness solutions. The first speakers confirmed at ECHAlliance @ Mobile World Congress 2014 include:
- Dr. Ambrose McLoughlin, Secretary General Department of Health Ireland.
- Dr. Craig Friderichs, Head of Health, GSM Association.
- Dominique Legouge, VP Executive European Health Public Procurement Alliance (EHPPA), France.
- Edwin Poots, Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland Executive.
- Dr. Oliver Harrison, CEO Ithaca Health.
- Dr. Sinikka Salo, Deputy Mayor, Responsible for social welfare and healthcare services, Oulu Finland.
Networking with key players in mobile Health
The program will also feature a number of short focused panel sessions addressing the challenges of mobile Health adoption and implementation today and a series of lively short inputs at the thought-provoking Speakers' Corner. Furthermore, attendees will have the opportunity to make contacts and do business with top professionals in the sector. During the two day conference it will be possible to meet potential partners and key players in the mobile Health & Wellness field through the B2B matchmaking prearranged sessions.
Featured keynotes, panel speakers, special events and other announcements will be revealed leading up to the Congress; please visit http://www.b2match.eu/echalliance-at-mobileworldcongress2014/pages/home for sponsorship and registration information and updates.
About ECHAlliance
The European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) is a membership (not-for-profit) organisation, with a mission to deliver leadership for and facilitate the development of Connected Health markets and practice across Europe and beyond, in order to transform health, wellness and social care services and create economic growth. ECHAlliance is Europe's largest Connected Health membership organisation, with almost 200 member organisations from industry, academia the healthcare sector, patient groups and others. Membership of ECHAlliance provides opportunities for members to extend Connected Health networks, contribute to the Connected Health agenda and shape delivery of their products and services. The ECHAlliance International Network of Permanent Connected Health Ecosystems is also continuing to expand, due to high demand from those wishing to break the silos and develop lasting collaborations to create better patient care, at lower costs and creating economic growth.