Overcoming cloud-based, mobility challenges in healthcare
19 February 2014 15:00 CET
Healthcare is increasingly demanding the ability for universal connectivity and seamless usage of mobile technology. Globally, cloud computing is quickly becoming recognised as the ideal back-end service to manage applications and enable collaboration.
Learn how you can speed-up time to market for your mobile UX and Security and develop effective strategies to move to the cloud and to get these solutions in your clients hand and to the point-of care.
Moderator: William McElmurry, Global SVP Healthcare, SoftServe
Speaker: Eugene Borukhovich, VP of Healthcare, European Markets, SoftServe
Using information to drive integrated care
5 March 2014 15:00 CET
This session will discuss challenges with the current healthcare ecosystem and how systems providing better healthcare data liquidity, move the data to the point of care, enabling better patient outcomes.
Moderator: Phil Colbourne, Healthcare Business Manager, Perceptive Software UK
Speaker: Mark O'Herlihy, Healthcare Director, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Perceptive Software from Lexmark
Today's Digital Hospital: Improving clinical workflow and patient care
12 March 2014, 15:00 CET
Leveraging information technology to improve patient care and outcomes has become the new norm. Seamless integration between highly diverse technologies enables faster and safer throughput of patients, creates more capacity through efficiencies and contains costs for healthcare organizations.
It's not just about the EMR anymore. It's about integrating and liberating data from all sources, to deliver information in the format that is both consumable and convenient for the user that helps drive improvement in process.
Learn more on how you can leverage your investments in ICT to make a difference in the lives of the patients you serve. IBM Smarter Care: Impact at the point of care.
Genuine Results: How to drive results across the organization
26 March 2014 15:00 CET
Tailored for departments and comprehensive for the enterprise, OnBase allows organisations to achieve significant return on investment.
Moderator: Colleen Sirhal, Director, Global Healthcare, Hyland Software
Speaker: Cathy Fuhrman, Information Systems Manager, Sharp HealthCare
TeleServices: Expanding the role of teleHealth
9 April 2014 15:00 CET
Historically, providing healthcare at a distance simply meant replicating traditional interactions with the help of teleconferencing. TeleServices is a new, broader movement that includes not just traditional telemedicine but telehealth, telecare, and telecoaching; technology-enabled approaches capable of monitoring, coaching, and helping patients on the go.
Organisations that develop this capability now will be able to deliver high quality, financially accountable care in the face of continued industry change. As part of this session, Jared and Clive discuss examples of these technologies and real-world cases in which they have been implemented.
Speaker: Jared Rhoads, Senior Research Specialist, CSC
Speaker: Clive Flashman, Global Healthcare Specialist, CSC
For further information and registration, please visit:
HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Founded 52 years ago, HIMSS and its related organizations are headquartered in Chicago with additional offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. HIMSS represents nearly 50,000 individual members, of which more than two thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations. HIMSS also includes over 570 corporate members and more than 225 not-for-profit partner organizations that share our mission of transforming healthcare through the effective use of information technology and management systems. HIMSS frames and leads healthcare practices and public policy through its content expertise, professional development, research initiatives, and media vehicles designed to promote information and management systems’ contributions to improving the quality, safety, access, and cost-effectiveness of patient care.