HIMSS Europe, the Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society, is organising a new edition of the World of Health IT (WoHIT), taking place in Nice, France. This is where European ehealth leaders and professionals will discuss how IT can improve the safety and quality of patient's care. In this sense, one topic in particular is creating a high expectation and wider interest: The Continuum of Care.
The continuity of care is concerned with the quality of care over time. There are two important perspectives surrounding this. Traditionally, the continuity of care is idealized in the patient's experience of a 'continuous caring relationship' with an identified health care professional. For providers in vertically integrated systems of care, the contrasting ideal is the delivery of a 'seamless service' through integration, coordination and the sharing of information between different providers. The continuity of care may be viewed from the perspective of either a patient or provider and for that reason WoHIT is the place for the ehealth community both professionals and industry.
Friday 4th April | 9am - 9.45am |
Plenary session: Continuity of Care Maturity Model
Moderator: Daniel Forslund, Chief Strategy Officer at Vinnova, Sweden.
Presenter: Uwe Buddrus, Senior Consultant, HIMSS Europe, Germany.
Participants: Johan Krijgsman, Senior Consultant, Nictiz, The Netherlands.
Terje Wistner, CIO, Norwegian Pharmacy Association, Norway.
HIMSS Europe is presenting the Continuity of Care Maturity Model, that evaluates various aspects of delivering continual care covering both capabilities at organization and panorganization levels. The Model will measure the readiness of an organization to deliver continuity of care as well as the maturity of a healthcare system in the continuity of care delivery. There will only be a global model but regional specifications are possible within the model's framework.
The model has been designed by HIMSS Europe in collaboration with a pan-European workgroup including country teams from Spain, the Netherlands and the Nordics. It comprises 32 individuals representing regional and national health authorities, strategic planning organizations, CIOs of groups or regions, industry and HIMSS consultants.
Thursday 3rd April | 10.30am - 11.15am |
Parallel session: Cross institutional access to patient data for continuum of care.
Speakers: Pille Kink-Ilves, Standardisation Manager, Estonian e-Health Foundation.
Dr. André Vandenberghe, CHU Charleroi, Belgium.
Pille Kink-Ilves is one of the most experienced e-Health experts in Estonia. For three years, she was the head of E-Health Department in the Ministry of Social Affairs being in charge of developing the Estonian strategic outlook as well as legal frameworks to support e-health services.
Her presentation will give an approach to the Estonian Nationwide Health Information System, that brings together a range of medical data, requiring a broad consensus to ensure information is timely and accurate. Data is available for in-and outpatient care summaries, prescriptions and medical images. Patients have access to the same amount of information as the medical personnel.
Dr. Vandenberghe is a medical doctor specialized in IT. He has worked 12 years for large industry companies, developing Hospital Information Systems, GP's EMRs and European Healthcare networks. Since 2000, he heads the Medical Information Department of the CHU of Charleroi. He leads the Walloon Regional Healthcare Network.
His presentation will be focused on the Walloon Healthcare Network, an initiative of the Walloon physicians to organise the sharing of patient information with minimal centralisation of data. It will show its integration in the complex Belgian model which illustrates the challenges that Europe would face implementing an ehealth network.
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About World of Health IT
The World Congress of Health IT Conference & Exhibition is the premier forum for the advancement of IT in healthcare in Europe. To address the needs of key stakeholders in the community of eHealth in Europe, The World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition offers professional development sessions, suppliers exhibitions, exchange of best practices, networking sessions and debates and discussions concerning the issues that will shape the future of eHealth.
HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Founded 52 years ago, HIMSS and its related organizations are headquartered in Chicago with additional offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. HIMSS represents nearly 50,000 individual members, of which more than two thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations. HIMSS also includes over 570 corporate members and more than 225 not-for-profit partner organizations that share our mission of transforming healthcare through the effective use of information technology and management systems. HIMSS frames and leads healthcare practices and public policy through its content expertise, professional development, research initiatives, and media vehicles designed to promote information and management systems' contributions to improving the quality, safety, access, and cost-effectiveness of patient care.