Doctors 2.0 & You, the international healthcare social media conference, and SoPe, the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, a global biomedical and healthcare innovation network to accelerate medical innovation for patients, have announced their partnership to communicate to physician entrepreneurs about the opportunities in digital health. Sharing similar visions regarding the importance of digital health innovation for professionals and patients, Denise Silber, founder of Doctors 2.0 & You conference and an eHealth pioneer and Dr Jeffrey Hausfeld, founder of chairman of the board of SoPe determined that their respective organisations had a mutual interest in initiating a partnership upon the occasion of the 4th Edition of Doctors 2.0 & You taking place in Paris at the Cité Universitaire Internationale on June 5-6, 2014. SoPe will be communicating about the event to its members and delegate a representative to participate.
Represented by dozens of chapters across the US and the world, SoPe is confident in being able to utilise its global physician network to share the cutting-edge news and content that flourishes from Doctors 2.0 & You conferences, essentially helping to get the world out to patients, faster, about the trends and innovations in digital health.
Dr Jeffrey Hausfeld indicated: "The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs is pleased to partner with Doctors 2.0 for the promotion of this important event. Both of our organisations stand at the crossroads of innovation and commercialisation in healthcare and the life sciences. Doctors 2.0 recognizes the significance of enlisting the input and insight of healthcare providers into the development process of new health IT platforms and applications. Physicians understand the unmet need in the daily practice of medicine, and the ability to work with software engineers, coding experts and graphic designers, will allow us to build systems that will engage patients, improve outcomes and transform the delivery of healthcare as we know it. The education provided at Doctors 2.0 conferences will help provide the resources needed to accelerate growth and bring new technology to the marketplace for the benefit of our patients."
Denise Silber added that Doctors 2.0 & You were delighted to learn more about the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs: "Each year at Doctors 2.0 & You, we remark the number of physician innovators and entrepreneurs amongst our new speakers. We are delighted by this new and promising relationship that we are initiating now for the June edition and will pursue for the years to come."
About Doctors 2.0 & You
The Doctors 2.0TM & You conference series, organized by Basil Strategies, digital health consultancy (Paris), is the only international congress devoted to the understanding of how physicians use New Technologies, Web 2.0 tools and Social Media to communicate with colleagues, patients, payers, pharmaceutical companies and public agencies. The 4th edition will take place in Paris on June 5-6, 2014. The conference website and blog includes videos, past presentations, interviews, and other content. See http://www.doctors20.com.
About SoPe
SoPe is a global biomedical and healthcare innovation network. Founded by three Physicians in early 2011, SoPe is a global non profit biomedical and health innovation network helping members get their ideas to patients. Membership is open to both medical professionals and other stakeholders in healthcare. SoPe is unique in it's make-up, leadership and mission - the Society is the only known organisation founded and led by physicians with the specific purpose of providing support to those physicians and other medical professionals ont the front lines of delivering healthcare that need help in bringing their ideas, inventions and innovations for improving healthcare to life.