The Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Forum is the annual showcase event for the people involved in the AAL JP's projects and the AAL community. It is the core connection of the joint programme to the AAL Community. This community includes policy makers, ICT developers, manufacturers, health professionals, commissioners, businesses, venture companies, technologists, academics, designers, carers and of course older adults. Its purpose is to exhibit and demonstrate existing or developing ICT solutions (products and services), promote networking within the community, foster the interest of other sectors in the field of AAL, provoke debate and discussion on various topics and highlight new or emerging developments in the area to inform the AAL community.
AAL is ICT-enabled independent living by using products and services for better lives and functional capability of older adults to promote a healthier lifestyle and to support carers, families and care organizations. It is broadly speaking about older adults and people who take care of them, who will have an existing requirement for ICT solutions dependent on their lifestyle, physical or mental health, now or in the future.
The AAL Forum 2014 gives you the opportunity to network with a big crowd from the AAL community, learn more, discuss interesting questions and get updated on what's happening in your field. To receive the reduced early bird fee, make sure to register before July 1st.
Being an active participant of the AAL Joint Programme, you will enjoy lower fees, both for the registration and for the exhibition. We encourage you to have a stand about your AAL JP project during the Forum. It is a great opportunity to showcase the advancements of your work and to network with the great community of the AAL Joint Programme in Europe. The exhibition booths are for 4 m2 square space with one desk, 2 chair, electrical system and Wi-Fi and include 2 people registration.
Be close to the registered exhibitors and participants from all over Europe. The AAL Forum gives you a great opportunity to promote your product and/or service to a target audience, to open new collaboration and discover new markets.
For you as a care-provider, ICT product or service developer, system-integrator, end-user, support group or advisor, the AAL Forum 2014 is the ideal event to promote your project/product/service, to network, to find new business opportunities and to participate in the official and major annual meeting of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme and the big community in the field accord the world.
To receive the reduced early bird fee for the participation registration, make sure to register before July 1st.
For further information, please visit:
About the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme - AAL JP
The Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP) is an initiative involving 22 countries and its main objectives are to improve the living conditions of older adults through the use and development of AAL solutions and to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry in the AAL domain. The AAL Joint Programme is initially set up for a duration from 2008 to 2013. The programmes planned total budget is 700 M€, of which approximately 50% is public funding - from the AAL Partner States and the European Commission - and approximately 50% is private funding from participating private organisations.
The AAL JP projects are underpinned by the principle of 'independence'. 'Independence' is not only defined in terms of physical non-reliance on a carer or health care professional. It also encompasses the far more important psycho-social principles of choice, autonomy and control that the person and carers are assigned in the management of their lives.