RE.WORK Health Summit will showcase the opportunities of accelerating technologies and their impact on health and medicine. How will advancing technologies such as telemedicine, stem cells, synthetic biology and robotics affect our future healthcare? Learn from global experts.
Discover cutting-edge technologies on the horizon from the world's leading innovators & scientists. Learn from the experts in personalised medicine, medtech, biotech, neuromedicine, regenerative medicine and big data. Discover the future of health & medicine.
The summit will offer a unique opportunity to interact with leading scientists, entrepreneurs, physicians & exciting startups in the very same place. What happens when you put leading thinkers, makers & doers in the same room? Meet fellow innovators with the same passion to change the world.
Topics to be covered include:
- Robotics
- 3D-Printing
- Big Data
- Synthetic Biology
- Regenerative Medicine
- Neuromedicine
- Personalised Medicine
- Quantified Self
Meet & interact with:
- Innovators
- Scientists
- Technologists
- Startups
- Physicians
- Investors
- Entrepreneurs
Startup / student passes are available for discounted rates. Super Early Bird tickets end 26 September 2014.
For further information, please visit:
RE.WORK is a platform of events bringing together breakthrough technology, cutting-edge science and entrepreneurship shaping the future of business and society. At each event, we showcase the opportunities of exponentially accelerating technologies to positively disrupt industry and society. Leading technologists, entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry leaders come together to share case studies, research and technological innovations to integrate cutting-edge technology and science into our lives. Do you know how to leverage new technologies such as the internet of things, sensors, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, artificial intelligence? How will they impact our future cities, healthcare, transport, education and energy solutions?