Join Med-e-Tel 2015 - 13th edition - and actively participate in the educational and information program of presentations, workshops, demonstrations and interactive panel discussions on eHealth, Telemedicine and ICT applications in medicine, health and social care. Med-e-Tel is the official event of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, the international federation of national associations who represent their country's Telemedicine and eHealth stakeholders. Supported by a wide range of national and international associations and institutions as well, this three day meeting and networking event brings together stakeholders and leading experts from around the world to present and share recent achievements and developments in the field.
You are encouraged especially to submit presentation proposals that focus on research outcomes showing clinical, medical and health benefits, cost benefits, quality of life benefits, or that focus on practical experiences from a clinician, care provider, patient/user, payor, or public health perspective
The areas covered in the Med-e-Tel 2015 conference program will include (but are not strictly limited to):
- Ageing well and ageing services technologies
- Bio-informatics and bio-medical technologies
- Disease management and treatment adherence
- eHealth and telemedicine implementation in low resource settings
- eHealth economics
- eHealth integration into routine medical practice
- eHealth master plan development for developing countries
- eLearning, distance education
- Electronic health records
- ePrescription
- Evidence based telemedicine/telehealth
- Facilitating collaboration among existing projects and applications
- Health and wellness promotion
- Health professionals' (doctors, nurses, pharmacists) and patients' role and attitude in/towards eHealth
- Interoperability and interconnectivity
- Legal and ethical aspects
- Market trends
- Medical informatics
- mHealth
- Opportunities for and barriers to eHealth and telemedicine implementation
- Open source software in healthcare
- Pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry perspectives on eHealth
- Reimbursement issues
- Remote patient monitoring, homecare applications
- Secure data transmission, privacy issues
- Smart homes and independent living
- Standardization
- Strategies for future healthcare
- Telecommunication and technologies for eHealth
- Telemedicine applications in cardiology, dermatology, epidemiology, radiology, wound care, and other medical disciplines
- Telemental health
- Telenursing and nursing informatics
- Telepaediatrics
- Telepsychology, telepsychiatry
- Telerehabilitation, cybertherapy
- User needs, user centered design
- Venture capital and investment opportunities
- Women and eHealth
- and more...
Presentation proposals on the above and other relevant topics for inclusion into the Med-e-Tel conference program are welcome. As indicated, we especially encourage contributions on practical experiences and research activities providing evidence for the efficiency, effectiveness and user acceptance of telemedicine and eHealth applications, as well as presentations of successful business cases and projects. Through the presentations, the expo and the extensive networking opportunities, attendees will have unmatched possibilities to gather the latest news from leaders in the field and to establish new professional relationships.
The conference program is spread over the three days of the event. Click here for a general schedule. A more detailed schedule will become available towards early 2015.
Scientific committee
The Scientific Committee is an independent advisory body. Its task is to maintain the quality of the scientific content of Med-e-Tel 2015. It is also responsible for the balanced scientific program.
The members of the Scientific Committee were selected on the basis of their scientific competencies and expertise.
Malina Jordanova (Bulgaria)
Frank Lievens (Belgium)
Abdel-Badeeh Salem (Egypt)
Alexandra Monteiro (Brazil)
Andrey Selkov (Russia)
Claudia Bartz (USA)
Elena Karchenova (Russia)
Guillermo Fernando Rodriguez Restrepo (Colombia)
Liezl van Dyk (South Africa)
Saroj Mishra (India)
Abstract submission
Click here for the online abstract submission form and follow the guidelines (note: text of the abstract should be limited to max. 2200 characters (incl. spaces); plain text only, no images or tables, no bullets, etc.). All abstracts should be submitted using this online form. Abstract submission deadline is December 22, 2014.
Presentations are only in English and can be done either orally or as posters. If you prefer to submit a poster presentation please indicate this at the end of the abstract submission form.
For oral presentations each speaker will have 10 minutes to present plus 4 minutes for Q&A. A computer (running on Windows, with Microsoft PowerPoint) will be available in the conference rooms (if you are using other presentations software, please please contact the organizers before March 10, 2015). Once your abstract has been accepted, your PowerPoint presentation should be submitted by the deadline of April 6, 2015 and will be uploaded in advance onto the conference room computers (if presentations are submitted later than April 6, 2015, organizers decline any responsibility for omissions or mistakes in the uploaded presentations).
If you prefer to present your submission as a poster, click here for the poster preparation instructions. You can also download a poster template.
Posters are a great way to communicate about research and can foster immediate in-depth conversations. Posters will be posted in prominent places at the conference venue and we will designate a particular time when authors can stand by their posters to discuss their research with Med-e-Tel participants.
A Best Poster Certificate will be awarded by a panel of judges. The Best Poster will be announced at the end of the second day during the Sponsor & Attendee Reception. The decision will be based on both content and graphic appeal.
Accepted abstracts will be published on the Med-e-Tel website one and a half months before the event. They will also be published in a special issue of the Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth.
Full papers of accepted abstracts will be published (if received by the deadline date of February 19, 2015 and if at least one of the co-authors has registered and paid the speaker registration fee by the deadline of February 14, 2015) in the Med-e-Tel 2015 Proceedings (CD-ROM) that will be available by the time of the event, and also in the book "Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources, Vol. 8" if approved anonymously by independent reviewers. Click here for full paper submission guidelines.
In addition, PowerPoint presentations will also be published on the Med-e-Tel website after the event.
Important dates
22 December 2014 - Abstract submission deadline
31 December 2014 - Notification of acceptance
14 February 2015 - Deadline for speaker registration and payment
19 February 2015 - Deadline for camera-ready submission of full text papers
6 April 2015 - Deadline for submitting PowerPoint presentations
22-24 April 2015 - Med-e-Tel
For further information about Med-e-Tel, to register, for information about special hotel deals, and more, please visit:
For questions regarding the submission of abstracts and the educational program, please feel free to contact Dr. Malina Jordanova, Educational Program Coordinator, tel: +359 2 979 32 02, or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For general information regarding Med-e-Tel and sponsorship/exhibition opportunities, please contact Frederic Lievens, International Coordinator, tel: +32 2 269 84 56, mobile: +32 478 59 36 99, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Related news articles:
- Med-e-Tel's Profile