Internationally renowned digital health experts are set to attend a three day open innovation conference in the UK. Digital Health Assembly: Open Innovation will take place at the SWALEC Stadium in Cardiff and is expected to welcome delegates from the digital health community worldwide.
Focusing on the key themes of Big Data, Empowering Patients and Staff and Innovative Business Models, the event will bring together leading individuals from the rapidly developing digital health sector to highlight the opportunities available to create sustainable healthcare if open innovation is embraced.
Included among the 35 speakers at the three day conference include Professor Dipak Kalra Clinical Professor of Health Informatics at University College London and President of The EuroRec Institute, Chris Fokke Chief Clinical Information Officer at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Basingstoke, Professor George Crooks OBE, Medical Director NHS 24 and Pēteris Zilgalvis, J.D., Head of Unit, Health and Well Being, Directorate General Communications Networks, Content and Technology at the European Commission.
Jointly organised by eHealth Industries Innovation (ehi²) Centre, College of Medicine, Swansea University and the Medical Research Council funded The Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, the three day event will focus on the topics of Empowering Patients and Staff, Big Data and Innovative Business Models through a series of workshops, presentations, roundtable discussions and innovation sessions.
Each conference session will explore the potential that open innovation can have on organisations operating within the digital health sector with an industry report created following the discussions had throughout the conference’s unique daily discussion format.
Each day roundtable panellists will ignite a discussion which will then open out onto the floor for wider deliberation via a hot topic panel discussion. Delegates will then be invited to continue debating the topic and potential solutions in innovate sessions.
Speaking ahead of the conference, Conference Chair Professor David Ford, Professor of Health Informatics at Swansea University said, "Digital Health Assembly: Open innovation will bring together a diverse collective of innovative minds from the healthcare and technology sectors worldwide, with a view to establishing new cross sector partnerships and opportunities."
Edwina Hart, Minister for Economy, Science and Transport said: "I am delighted that support from the Welsh Government helped bring this important conference to Wales. The value and importance of developing a culture of Open Innovation is wholeheartedly supported by the Welsh Government as collaboration and sharing of ideas can deliver further technological breakthroughs and real business benefits."
Speakers and Key Note speakers include:
- Professor David Ford, Committee Chair & Professor of Health Informatics, College of Medicine, Swansea University
- Michael Schrage, Research Fellow MIT Centre for Digital Business, Massachusetts
- Professor Dr. Martin Curley, VP of Intel Corporation and Director of Intel Labs Europe
- Dr. Ali Al Jazairy, Head of Innovations, World Intellectual Property Organisation (Invited)
- Dr. Ogan Gurel, Director of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea
- Arnaud Runge, Engineer for Life & Physical Science Instrumentation, European Space Agency (ESA)
- Marc Overhage, Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Siemens USA
- Kevin Fu, Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
- Dr. Bedirhan Ustan, Coordinator, World Health Organisation
- Minister for Health and Social Services, Welsh Government
- Professor George Crooks O.B.E., Medical Director, NHS 24 and President of EHTEL
- John Crawford, Healthcare Industry Leader Europe, IBM Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Robert Chesters, Innovation Lead NHS England
- Professor Andrew Morris, Chairman and Centre Director, Farr Institute
- Daniel Ray, Director Informatics, University Hospital Birmingham
- Claus Duedal Pedersen, Head of Clinical Innovation, Odense University Hospital
- Professor Ross Koppel, Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
- Niels Peek, Reader, University of Manchester
- Professor Dipak Kalra, Clinical Professor of Health Informatics and Director of UCL CHIME, University College London
- Dr. John Gallacher, Programme Lead, Healthy Ageing, Institute of Primary Care and Public Health, University of Cardiff
- Mark Duman, Director, Monmouth Partners
- Peteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit, Health and Wellbeing, Directorate General Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission
- Dr. Steven Tucker, MD Tucker Medical, Singapore
- Professor Gwyn Thomas, Chairman of UKChip
- Stephen Clulow, Programme Manager, NineSigma
- Roland Harwood, Co-Founder and Networks Partner, 100% Open
- Caroline Bishop, Managing Director, IXC UK Ltd
- Tim Staniland, Business Development Manager, IXC UK Ltd
- Dr. Adesina Iluyemi, Founder of Healthtronics (UK) Ltd
- Professor James Ferguson, Clinical Lead, Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare
- Dr. Amir Hannan, General Practitioner and Board Member for Thameside & Glossop CCG, Haughton Medical Centre (Invited)
- Andrew Griffiths, CIO (Health) Director of NHS Wales Informatics Service
- Chris Fokke, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust
- Professor Munir Pirmohamed, Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool
- Dr. Ian McNicoll, Director / Clinical Knowledge Editor, openEHR Foundation
For further information, please visit:
Created for digital health professionals who are keen to leverage the power of open innovation in their own organisations, Digital Health Assembly: Open Innovation will feature internationally renowned presenters sharing their insights and experiences of how they are enhancing the evolution of healthcare through Open Innovation. The three day event will include keynote presentations, executive roundtable discussions, breakout presentations, open innovation workshops, hot topic panel discussions, innovate sessions, healthcare showcases, an innovation hall and networking opportunities throughout. Executive roundtable discussions are closed door sessions by invitation only.
Digital Health Assembly is jointly hosted by eHealth industries Innovation (ehi²) Centre, The Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research with support from the Welsh Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).