research2guidance & HIMSS to present controversial preliminary results of European App Developer Study at mHealth Summit Europe 2015. For the first time the study also focuses on the Europe's readiness for mHealth solutions. Together with HIMSS, research2guidance is working on distinguishing which countries are accessible for app developers due to their high eHealth acceptance and favourable regulations and which European countries are still reluctant to embrace mHealth. During the session "Workshop from Garge to Market" at the mHealth Summit Europe on 12 May, the findings will be presented for the first time and establish Europe's readiness for mHealth solutions.
Preliminary findings provide interesting results regarding the mHealth market attractiveness and readiness:
- Denmark proves to be the leading country in eHealth adoption, followed by Finland and Spain
- Germany ranks within the top three both for worst and best market conditions for the adoption of mHealth apps mainly due to prohibitive laws
Full results will be revealed on Tuesday 12th May during the mHealth Summit Europe in Riga, Latvia. Learn first-hand who is at the forefront and who is lagging behind the 100,000+ apps already available on the market. Over the two day conference, research2guidance will be joined by twenty-four mHeath IT experts with an exciting programme of presentations.
For further information, please visit:
With specific relevance to CEOs, CIOs and all mHealth IT professionals, this conference in conjunction with eHealth Week 2015, the Europe's leading HIT platform, is a must attend in Latvia.
For further information, please visit:
Don't forget to have your say.
For the 5th year research2guidance together with HIMSS conducts a research program focused on the mHealth app market. The 2015 mHealth App Developer Economics study aims at uncovering the current status and trends of the global mHealth app market. Convince yourself and state your opinion on the current mHealth market and its future development.
For further information, please visit:
About World of Health IT
The World Congress of Health IT Conference & Exhibition is the premier forum for the advancement of IT in healthcare in Europe. To address the needs of key stakeholders in the community of eHealth in Europe, The World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition offers professional development sessions, suppliers exhibitions, exchange of best practices, networking sessions and debates and discussions concerning the issues that will shape the future of eHealth.
HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Founded 52 years ago, HIMSS and its related organizations are headquartered in Chicago with additional offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. HIMSS represents nearly 50,000 individual members, of which more than two thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations. HIMSS also includes over 570 corporate members and more than 225 not-for-profit partner organizations that share our mission of transforming healthcare through the effective use of information technology and management systems. HIMSS frames and leads healthcare practices and public policy through its content expertise, professional development, research initiatives, and media vehicles designed to promote information and management systems' contributions to improving the quality, safety, access, and cost-effectiveness of patient care.
About research2guidance
research2guidance is a consultancy and market research company. We focus on the global app economy. We started in 2009 after Apple and Google have created the new mobile app eco-system. We wanted to be part of this dynamic and facinating market, which at this time only visionary people expected to become as big as it is today.
With our research and consultancy work, we want to help our clients to understand how they can be successful in the app market.
We publish of-the-shelf-reports about certain app economy segments (e.g. mHealth), countries (e.g. USA) or vendor segments (e.g. app development tools).