ICT2015 - Innovate, Connect, Transform - aims to bring together over 4500 ICT enthusiasts from all horizons: research, politics, industry, start-ups, investors, academia. The place to be this year is Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Portugal.
Explore ICT 2015, the largest European ICT event organised in Lisbon, and you will have the opportunity to find out more about the policy conference and the interactive exhibition.
The policy conference will provide you information about the new Commission policies and initiatives with regard to Research & Innovation in ICT.
The interactive exhibition will showcase the results and impact of most recent EU ICT Research & Innovation projects.
The Work Programme thematic sessions will provide information on the avalaible funding opportunities in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for the next two years.
The three conference days are organised around:
- plenary sessions, with the participation of EC Commissioners, MEPs, industry leaders and visionaries in the field of ICT;
- information sessions about the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-17;
- thematic parallel sessions dedicated to defined topics.
The topics are structured around the three main themes of the event: Innovate, Connect, Transform.
Organised around the same three main themes - Innovate, Connect, Transform - the ICT 2015 exhibition will offer the possibility to see:
- the best results, tests and prototypes of European ICT Research & Innovation projects;
- advanced products of individual companies;
- artworks, artistic representations of project ideas, on-site creative activities related to science and technology;
- concrete examples of international cooperation.
Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 thematic sessions
The Work Programme 2016-2017 thematic sessions will provide detailed information on funding opportunities related to ICT research and innovation under Horizon 2020. The participants will receive information about specific calls in the 2016-2017 Work Programme, the precise scope of the calls and the key impacts proposals shall target.
For further information, please visit: