The European Telemedicine Conference, presented by Badalona Serveis Assistencials, HIMSS Europe, NHS 24, Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine, Odense University and UPMC ended in Odense with an invitation to join the conference next year in Oslo where the Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine will be the host.
Over the course of the two day conference, the event brought 300 delegates to Odense, including leading European healthcare IT executives, governmental leaders, clinicians and researchers.
Highlights of this year’s European Telemedicine Conference
- ETC was part of the first edition of WHINN - Week of Health and INNovation, bringing more than 1,500 attendees in one week all within health and innovation.
- The Danish Minister of Health, Sophie Løhde Jacobsen opened the conference explaining how the Danish government is investing more than six billion euros in new hospitals over the next ten years - "with one billion reserved for IT and medical technical devices".
- The Scientific Track highlighted research on health technology and telemedicine with a special conference track dedicated to presenting scientific results. For this track, researchers from all over Europe were invited to submit abstracts to present their work.
- The Young Innovators Competition, an international contest for young entrepreneurs and start-up firms focusing on new innovative ideas in the field of health IT and telemedicine PLAI (Psychiatric Live Animotion Intervention), a research project with the goal of presenting a unique treatment tool for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) won the first prize.
Next edition in Norway
Next year the European Telemedicine Conference will be a part of eHealth in Norway Innovation Week.
Bjørn Astad, Deputy Director General, Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, Norway said: "The conference will take place in Oslo in November 2016. eHealth in Norway Innovation Week is based on the European Telemedicine Conference and the national eHealth conference in Norway. This will be an integrated conference, which shows the development of eHealth and telemedicine. We will create a powerful event that includes a week of health and innovation. I look forward to seeing you in Oslo next year."
Next European Telemedicine Conference will be taking place in Oslo, Norway, November 15 & 16, 2016. The European Telemedicine Conference 2016 will be co-hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Health.
For further information, please visit:
About HIMSS Europe
HIMSS Europe is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information technology.
HIMSS is a cause-based, global enterprise producing health IT thought leadership, education, events, market research and media services around the world. Founded in 1961, HIMSS WorldWide encompasses more than 62,500 individuals, of which more than two-thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organisations across the globe, plus over 600 corporations and 250 not-for-profit partner organisations, that share this cause. HIMSS WorldWide, headquartered in Chicago, serves the global health IT community with additional offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia.