The planning for the conhIT in April 2016 is in full pace. In comparison to last year, there are a higher number of registrations for the Industrial fair. The Congress program is taking shape. Amongst others there will be emphases on IT in care, mobility and Apps, IT strategies and IT management, as well as intersectoral networking.
With the combination of industrial exhibition, high quality congress and academy themes and the various networking opportunities conhIT developed to Europe's top industry event, attracting IT and management decision makers to Berlin every year - increasingly also from abroad.
"This development is no accident," emphasizes Matthias Meierhofer, CEO of the German Association of Health IT Vendors - bvitg, the organizer of the conhIT, because "the topic of health IT has now attained its very own importance. Intelligent IT solutions, as covered by the members of the bvitg, are essential to high care quality and cost-effectiveness in health care facilities. The interconnected systems, issues and topics therefore can only be treated in a specialized environment. And that's what is provided by the conhIT, which is why it has become so attractive for decision-makers in health care."
Patients and mobile applications in Focus
The patient is shifting more and more into the interest of exhibitors and visitors. This is due to so-called health apps becoming increasingly popular with patients, increasingly making them managers of their own health. Already last year conhIT met the need for this booming topic with the introduction of the "mobile health ZONE”. This year not only a remake, but also an extension of this special exhibition area is planned. In addition the so-called AppCircus will again take place where the most innovative application in the healthcare sector will be awarded.
The congress has also dedicated several sessions to the involvement of the patient in the course of treatment by means of mobile devices. "This topic cannot be ignored by anyone involved in the health sector anymore. The interest of people in opportunities to document, evaluate and communicate their health or disease status is huge. One task will be to develop solutions that satisfy these demands and at the same time meet the high requirements for the protection of sensitive data. Here the health IT industry is in demand, having the necessary expertise to provide safe solutions," said Matthias Meierhofer.
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About conhIT - Connecting Healthcare IT
conhIT targets decision-makers in IT departments and management in the medical and nursing profession as well as doctors, doctors’ networks and medical care centres informing themselves about the latest IT healthcare developments, meeting members of the industry and desiring to take advantage of high-level training opportunities. As an integrated event, over a period of three days conhIT combines an Industrial Fair, a Congress and Networking Events that are of particular interest to this sector. conhIT, the meeting place for the health IT industry, was launched in 2008 by the German Association of Health IT Vendors (bvitg) and is organised by Messe Berlin. In 2015 it welcomed 388 exhibitors and 7,500 visitors and was able to expand its position as Europe's leading event for the health IT sector.
conhIT is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), the German Association of Medical Computer Scientists (BVMI). The National Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Working Group of Directors of Medical Computing Centres at German University Clinics (ALKRZ) have provided contributions to the subject matter.