pHealth 2016 opens a new chapter in the success story of the series of international conferences on wearable or implantable micro, nano and biotechnologies for personalized health. Starting in 2003 with personal health management systems, pHealth has continuously extended its scope evolving to a truly interdisciplinary event by covering technological and biomedical facilities, legal, ethical, social, and organizational requirements and impacts, as well as necessary basic research for enabling the future proof care paradigms. Thereby, pHealth increasingly combines medical devices and eHealth based services with public health, prevention, social and elderly care, wellness and personal fitness to establish participatory, predictive, personalized, preventive, and effective care settings. Smart mobile systems, eHealth and telemedicine have become important enablers for ubiquitous pervasive health as the next generation health services. Social media and gamification has added even further knowledge to pHealth both as a business domain and as a community safety-net.
pHealth 2016 conference aims to further emphasize on the integration of biology and medical data, systems and information using mobile technologies through the development of micro-nano-bio smart systems for personalized health, virtual care, precision medicine, big bio-data management and analytics as well as security, privacy and safety issues.
Call for Papers
Regular submissions to pHealth 2016 include full papers only. Papers that tend to be better presented as posters will be recommended to the authors by the organizers. Full Papers can be scientific papers, future vision papers or review papers related to methodologies and/or applications. The paper structure includes: title, names, and affiliations (city, state, and country) of all authors, abstract (up to 200 words), 4-6 keywords. The main text should have sections for introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and references. The maximum length of a paper submission is six A4 camera-ready pages and should follow the formatting rules of the provided IOS Press template.
All submitted papers will be subject to a peer-review process. Accepted full papers will be included in the pHealth 2016 Proceedings published at IOS Press in the Series "Studies in Health Technology and Informatics". The series is indexed in several databases including among others PubMed and MEDLINE. Submitters of accepted Full Papers that tend to be better presented as Posters and are therefore not included as oral presentations in the pHealth 2016 Scientific Program will be invited to prepare and present a Poster. The camera-ready three pages Poster Paper will be included in the IOS Proceedings.
Important Dates
21 February 2016 - Paper submission deadline
20 March 2016 - Notification of acceptance
3 April 2016 - Author registration
3 April 2016 - Re-submission of camera-ready papers
29-31 May 2016 - Conference Dates
For further information, please visit: