The preliminary Med-e-Tel 2016 conference program is available on-line. Med-e-Tel 2016 also features 2 pre-conference sessions on April 5th, on the topics of "Telecardiology" and "Social Media and Medical Education".
The Med-e-Tel 2016 vconference program contains sessions on "Connected Objects" and "Interoperability" presented by the Agence eSanté Luxembourg, "Creating the Ecosystem for Real-world Data" presented in collaboration with the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), a session on "Pharmacy and m/eHealth" presented in collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU), "Quality Health Data Communication Governance" by the European Platform of Patients' Organizations, Science and Industry (EPPOSI), a focus on "Smart and Assistive Technologies for Independent Living and Wellbeing" (in collaboration with the Auton'Hom-e network and with AAATE), a session and workshop on "Independent Living Support Functions for the Elderly" presented by the IN LIFE project consortium, a focus "Open Source Software in Healthcare" (by the ISfTeH Open Source Working Group), and much more.
Early-bird registration for Med-e-Tel 2016 is currently available. Register now and gain access to all conference sessions and to the expo/networking area, as well as two evening networking receptions. There are also options for 1-day registrations.
For further information about Med-e-Tel, to register, for information about special hotel deals, and more, please visit:
About Med-e-Tel
Med-e-Tel is an event of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), THE international federation of national associations who represent their country's Telemedicine and eHealth stakeholders.
The ISfTeH exists to facilitate the international dissemination of knowledge and experience in Telemedicine and eHealth, to provide access to recognized experts in the field worldwide, and to offer unprecedented networking opportunities. Med-e-Tel is one of the instruments that help the ISfTeH to realize this mission.
Med-e-Tel 2016 (6-8 April 2016) will feature, in collaboration with our partner organizations, international experts and users who will present their experiences with current telemedicine and eHealth applications and future developments (virtual consultation, remote monitoring, eLearning, mobile solutions, health information exchange, smart technologies, business models, health economics, user needs/satisfaction, and more).
On a local and regional level, Luxembourg's National eHealth Agency (Agence eSanté) will actively participate again in the event with a partner pavilion in the Med-e-Tel expo area to showcase current projects and eHealth technologies. And the Agency will also present several panel discussions and conference sessions on data exchange and security, and on interoperability.