The 14th edition of Med-e-Tel, the International Telemedicine and eHealth Forum, is taking place this week at the Luxexpo Exhibition and Congress Center in Luxembourg. Pre-conference workshops on Telecardiology and on Social Media take place on April 5th.
Med-e-Tel, organized by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), is one of the premier events worldwide in the field of Telemedicine and eHealth and brings together 400 participants from over 40 countries around the world. The ISfTeH is the international federation of national Telemedicine/eHealth associations and is recognized as an NGO in Official Relations with the World Health Organization (WHO).
The Med-e-Tel forum is endorsed by the Luxembourg Ministry of Health and National eHealth Agency (Agence eSanté Luxembourg), the European Commission, the International Council of Nurses (ICN), and works together with an even wider range of local and international partners who are all involved in Telemedicine and eHealth research, development, funding or implementation.
Governments, healthcare providers and health insurers worldwide, are turning towards Telemedicine and eHealth solutions as one of the tools to cope with the effects of today's ageing society and tomorrow's reduced healthcare workforce and to address the constant pressure on healthcare budgets and the need for more qualitative and cost effective healthcare. There is a lot of experience and good practice that has been built up around the world, and there is a need for sharing these practical experiences across borders and across professions, hence the role of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth and its Med-e-Tel event.
The Med-e-Tel inaugural ceremony on Wednesday morning April 6th will include a welcome address on behalf of the Luxembourg Government, represented by Dr. Jean-Claude Schmit, Director of Health at the Ministry of Health. Also representatives from the European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians and the International Telecommunication Union will address the audience during the opening. Dr. Andy Fischer, President of the ISfTeH, will present an award to the winner of last year's 'Student' competition, an annual feature at Med-e-Tel, which gives students an opportunity to present their work to an international audience.
The Med-e-Tel conference program provides a wide range of sessions presented in collaboration with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, researchers and industry representatives, and is geared towards creating new partnerships and collaboration among these different stakeholders.
The Agence eSanté Luxembourg is organizing two special round table sessions on "Cross-Border Healthcare" and on "Connected Objects/Connected Health" which will feature recent reports and insights from the Benelux Secretariat-General, Microsoft and several European Commission supported initiatives and they are also setting up a Luxembourg pavilion in the Med-e-Tel exhibition area together with partner organizations who are involved in the development and implementation of the nation's electronic health record (DMP - Dossier de Soins Partagé).
The Med-e-Tel exhibition also features a pavilion from the Brussels region (supported by Brussels Invest & Export and lifetech.brussels), as well as various other young and well established companies who provide telemedicine and eHealth products and services.
"The combination of in-depth conference sessions, exhibition and international participation makes Med-e-Tel the ideal event for education, networking and business, and a permanent fixture on the ISfTeH event calendar," said Yunkap Kwankam, Executive Director of the ISfTeH.
For further information about Med-e-Tel, to register, for information about special hotel deals, and more, please visit:
About Med-e-Tel
Med-e-Tel is an event of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), THE international federation of national associations who represent their country's Telemedicine and eHealth stakeholders.
The ISfTeH exists to facilitate the international dissemination of knowledge and experience in Telemedicine and eHealth, to provide access to recognized experts in the field worldwide, and to offer unprecedented networking opportunities. Med-e-Tel is one of the instruments that help the ISfTeH to realize this mission.
Med-e-Tel 2016 (6-8 April 2016) will feature, in collaboration with our partner organizations, international experts and users who will present their experiences with current telemedicine and eHealth applications and future developments (virtual consultation, remote monitoring, eLearning, mobile solutions, health information exchange, smart technologies, business models, health economics, user needs/satisfaction, and more).
On a local and regional level, Luxembourg's National eHealth Agency (Agence eSanté) will actively participate again in the event with a partner pavilion in the Med-e-Tel expo area to showcase current projects and eHealth technologies. And the Agency will also present several panel discussions and conference sessions on data exchange and security, and on interoperability.