The first eHealth Innovation Days Conference at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences will offer a platform for networking, for creating new partnerships and exchanging knowledge and experience. Four sessions and an exhibition will show the potential of eHealth for improving the Health Care Systems:
1. Science and Research
2. Hospitals and Best Practise
3. Companies and Success Stories
4. User Involvement and Usability.
Flensburg University of Applied Sciences has the role of the "eHealth bridge" into the Baltic Sea Region. Until 2019 the Baltic Sea Campus on eHealth will be set up at the Institute for eHealth and Management in Healthcare. One activity of the Baltic Sea Campus on eHealth are the "eHealth Innovation Days" taking place in Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Audimax lecture theatre complex.
The target groups aimed at are scientists and researchers in the field of eHealth, hospitals, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), patient associations as well as other interested persons from the Baltic Sea Region active in the field of eHealth. The eHealth Innovation Days will offer a platform for networking, for creating new partnerships and exchanging knowledge and experience.
For further information, please visit: