The high-level eHealth Conference 2007 is going to take place from 17 to 19 April 2007 at Messe Berlin. It is a joint project of the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry of Health, the regional government Berlin and the Association for Social Security Policy and Research. eHealth 2007 provides the unique opportunity to meet international decision-makers and experts, to establish contacts, and to obtain valuable information and ideas at first hand. The interest in this internationally-oriented discussion forum is very high. Please note that mandatory online registration will only be possible for another seven days - deadline for online registration is the 12th April, 2007.
Please find the programme, the special issue and the online registration at http://ehealth.gvg-koeln.de
About The eHealth week Berlin 2007
The eHealth week Berlin 2007 is taking on shape. Four so far independent and very successful events the academic conference TELEMED, the political eHealth Conference, the trade-fair ITeG (International Forum for Healthcare IT) and the expert forum of the KIS conference will be linked and combined in the course of the eHealth week Berlin 2007 From Strategies to Applications. In addition, the IHE Connectathon as well as various other international events revolving around eHealth will be taking place during the eHealth week Berlin 2007.
Due to this combination of events the complete German and European eHealth scene will meet in the 16th week of 2007. Representatives of science, industry, politics and various associations, IT-experts from different health care sectors, managers of the health care industry and an increasing number of project practitioners of telemedicine and health care telematics will experience a broad programme which will allow them to participate in discussions on a very broad scale. Accordingly, much more than the mere sum of single events can be achieved. A new discussion platform thus emerges which will not only be a notable advancement due to size and range. The platform will also create a new quality of intersectoral discussion. The different eHealth subworlds will have the chance to understand each other better and the possibility to develop a joint understanding of the new sector's trends and challenges.
eHealth week Berlin 2007 will begin with TELEMED starting independently on Monday, 16 April, 2007. TELEMED will merge on Tuesday, 17 April, 2007 into the then beginning eHealth Conference 2007; the ITeG will open parallel to the eHealth Conference 2007 on Tuesday. As a result, all visitors will have the opportunity for the following three days to get into direct and personal contact with the suppliers of IT-Solutions in health care and other eHealth enterprises. In contrast to previous years, the conference itself will not organise its own accompanying exhibitions. The conference programme will however allow for adequate opportunity to visit the trade fair. The eHealth week 2007 is part of the associated programme of the German Presidency of the European Union; thus, European issues will play a particularly prominent role during the Berlin eHealth event.
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