Around the world the subject of e-Health is steadily gaining in importance, whether it involves electronic patient files, online video consultations or any of the services connected with the subject of the 'paperless hospital'. This is bringing delegations of trade visitors from all over the world to this year's conhIT - Connecting Healthcare IT, which takes place in Berlin. This combined event, which integrates a trade fair, congress, academy and networking events, is being organised by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors - bvitg e.V. in collaboration with Messe Berlin.
"Digitalization is a driver of economic growth," said Dr. Axel Wehmeier, Chief Executive of Telekom Healthcare Solutions, a Gold Partner at conhIT 2017, who is also a Member of the Board of the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors - bvitg e.V.
"Experts report that the digital healthcare market around the world will double in volume to more than 200 billion dollars by 2020.
"However, every country is pursuing a different strategy in implementing innovative solutions from the Healthcare IT sector, usually as a result of different legal and economic background conditions. For example, in contrast to Germany, cloud solutions for medical facilities in other countries have been in the forefront for a long time.
"With its international outlook conhIT is the perfect opportunity for everyone who wants to acquaint themselves with the health policy and economic conditions in other countries, and to develop a greater awareness of certain subjects by engaging in discussions."
Workshops in English and excursions to hospitals
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI), Germany's federal economic development agency, is organising an International Networking Lounge at the Congress, with a session in English for the benefit of an international audience. It highlights the opportunities for e-Health providers in different markets. The programme also includes workshops as well as guided theme-based tours of the fair and daily excursions to hospitals and research facilities. These are organised by the economic promotion agency Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH.
"This year it is estimated that the German e-Health market will generate sales of almost 400 million euros. This represents an enormous potential, from which foreign investors also want to gain value," said Julia Rühle, e-Health expert with GTAI in Berlin.
"Using examples of best practice we want our papers at conhIT to also feature foreign companies, showing how they can effectively gain a foothold on the German market."
GTAI webinar on the subject of Digital Healthcare on 9 March
In response to the regulatory and structural changes within the framework of the e-Health Law in Germany, GTAI is collaborating with bvitg e.V. to stage a webinar in the run-up to conhIT on 9 March, entitled: 'Digital Healthcare - Regulatory Outlook und Key Events in 2017'. This webinar will examine current developments in the healthcare sector. It will review the latest regulatory changes, examine the effects on the German market for digital health, and present the main trade fairs in the EU and Germany. Participants will also be provided with more in-depth information about the programme for international trade visitors at conhIT, which is Europe's most important event for the Healthcare IT sector. As in previous years, a chat facility will enable participants to present their questions and receive answers to them during the webinars. For further information, please visit GTAI webinar home page.
For further information about conhIT 2017, please visit:
About conhIT - Connecting Healthcare IT
conhIT targets decision-makers in IT departments, management, in the medical profession, nursing, doctors, doctors' networks and medical care centres who need to find out about the latest developments in IT and Halthcare, meet members of the industry and make use of opportunities for high-level advanced training. As an integrated event, over a period of three days conhIT combines Fair, Congress and Networking Events that are of particular interest to this sector. Launched in 2008 by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg) as the meeting place for the healthcare IT industry and organised by Messe Berlin, this event recorded 451 exhibitors and around 9,000 visitors in 2015 and has now become Europe's leading event for the healthcare IT sector.
conhIT is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) and the German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI). The German Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Chief Information Officers of University Hospitals (CIO-UK) provide contributions on the subject matter.
About GTAI
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) is the economic promotion agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. It safeguards and creates jobs, thereby helping to strengthen Germany’s position as a thriving economic location. With offices at more than 50 locations around the world, together with a network of partners, GTAI assists German companies to explore export markets, promotes Germany as a business location, and assists foreign companies seeking to set up production facilities in Germany.