What is new in the market for IT security and the electronic patient file? What innovations are there in mobile health and outpatient nursing care? Guided tours are scheduled on all three days of DMEA and will enable groups of interested trade visitors to find out about a selection of key topics in connection with exhibitors and their products, projects and services.
Presentations will be held by exhibitors on their respective stands. A call for papers invites exhibiting companies and institutions to submit their entries online no later than 1 February 2019. The German Association of Health IT Vendors, the host of DMEA, is responsible for all tours. Each tour will take 60 minutes. Per tour, up to five exhibitors will have a maximum of eight minutes to introduce themselves and present their products. Exhibitors and visitors may take part in the tours free of charge. The following theme headings will be the subject of the tours:
- Apps & wearables
- Safe drug treatment plan
- Digital health innovations
- Digital patient empowerment
- Electronic case record
- Electronic patient record
- IT in outpatient nursing care
- IT in inpatient nursing care
- IT security 2.0
- AI in the healthcare system
- Optimising proceeds in inpatient care
- Trade fair tour for international visitors
- Mobile health
- Newcomers
- Startup meets corporate
- Telemedicine
For a detailed description of the tours please visit DMEA website.
DMEA - previously conhIT - is the main platform for digital healthcare which mirrors the processes of the digital supply chain at every stage. It will take place from 9 to 11 April 2019 on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds and targets everyone from the digital healthcare sector, including hospital managers, IT heads, doctors, nurses, healthcare policymakers and experts in science and research. Overall, around 350 speakers involved in research and practical work, 600 exhibitors and some 10,000 trade visitors are expected to attend.
For further Information, please visit:
About DMEA
DMEA is the successor to conhIT - Connecting Healthcare IT, and represents a strategic evolution of that concept. It aims to mirror the entire digital supply chain including every process along the way. Step by step DMEA will expand into a platform representing every digital field of interest to all players in the healthcare system, both now and in the future. DMEA targets decision-makers in every healthcare sector - hospital managers, IT heads, doctors, nurses, healthcare policymakers and experts in science and research. As an integrated event combining a trade fair, congress, academy and a wide range of interactive formats, it gives participants the opportunity to find out about the latest digital healthcare developments and products, establish industry contacts and acquire high-level qualifications.DMEA is held by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg) and organised by Messe Berlin. DMEA is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), the German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI). The National Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Chief Information Officers of University Hospitals (CIO-UK) provide contributions on the subject matter. The three-day event takes place annually on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds.