In its capacity of hosting the upcoming Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Croatian Ministry of Health is in preparations to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the renowned eHealth conference, Europe's largest high-level digital health event. Croatia has been seen for many years as an advanced European country in terms of digital health maturity and recently Croatia has received significant media attention by announcing its groundbreaking cross-border ePrescription capabilities.
2020 will also mark the first time for AHIMA (the American Health Information Management Association) as the official co-organiser of the high-level eHealth conference. AHIMA is a not-for-profit membership association representing more than 103,000 health information professionals around the world and brings over 90 years of knowledge and experience in Health Information and its vast network to the eHealth week Croatia conference.
President-elect of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leven, recognized the need for continued focus on e-health in her Political Guidelines for the European Commission 2019-2024, pointing out: "We need to make the most of the potential of e-health to provide high-quality healthcare and reduce inequalities. I want you to work on the creation of a European Health Data Space to promote health-data exchange and support research on new preventive strategies, as well as on treatments, medicines, medical devices and outcomes. As part of this, you should ensure citizens have control over their own personal data."
AHIMA CEO Wylecia Wiggs Harris, PhD, CAE, states: "I am thrilled that AHIMA has been selected to support the government of Croatia to host this important event. I look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience with the European member states and to building lasting partnerships with European stakeholders where we can learn and support each other in achieving our common goal of providing better health outcomes for all citizens."
The event will include the annual High-level Meeting on eHealth, gathering high level delegates from all European Member States. Furthermore, the conference is expected to gather over 1000 delegates from Europe and beyond. The conference will also include an exhibition and numerous networking opportunities.
For further information and to register, please visit:
For nearly a century, AHIMA has helped improve the quality of healthcare data and records with our leadership role in effective management of health data and information and delivering quality healthcare to the public.Founded in 1928, AHIMA is the premier association of health information management professionals worldwide and the leading authority for “HIM” knowledge. AHIMA’s mission, “Empowering people to impact health” is central to our work, driving the vision of a world where trusted information transforms healthcare by connecting people, systems and ideas.
AHIMA's work accelerates the capabilities of professional healthcare leaders and provides its members cutting-edge programs and professional development opportunities, including comprehensive continuing education and rigorous certification processes to ensure the best patient outcomes.
AHIMA represents more than 103,000 health information professionals in the United States and around the world. AHIMA is expanding its focus internationally with the goal of opening the door to greater collaboration and learning. AHIMA seeks to benefit from the findings and advancements of global partners and also share our knowledge and best practices through new, international partnerships. To advance towards this goal, AHIMA International will co-organise the 2020 eHealth Week Croatia in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia.
AHIMA International (formerly "AHIMA World Congress") is the international arm of AHIMA, it was formed in October 2016. AHIMA International is dedicated to providing the most relevant, quality thought leadership, professional training and development, and certifications to AHIMA members and credential holders, organizational members, and healthcare information professionals around the world.