One of the important goals of Association for Ukrainian Telemedicine and eHealth Development (AfUTeHD) is knowledge dissemination, different educational courses, conferences and forums organization. The aim of those events is exchanging experience and skills, users' information supply. But above all, AfUTeHD proposed to show that telemedicine and eHealth in general are simple, reliable, effective and easily accessible technologies which will allow to significantly improve the quality of medical help and specialized education at all levels, to optimize and to facilitate the work of medical practitioners.
Conference discussion topics:
- Current situation and development prospects of telemedicine and eHealth in Ukraine and worldwide
- Essential telemedicine and eHealth issues
- Telemedical consultations
- Distant education
- Hospital information systems and telemedicine networks
- Home and mobile telemedicine
- Informatization and Internet in Health Care
- Medical electronic records, medical information safety
- Deontology in telemedicine
- Legal regulations of telemedicine functioning in Ukraine and abroad
- Telemedical services payment
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