Deloitte, together with empirica and the European Commission, will present an upbeat view of the Exchange of Good Practices in eHealth during a half day free of charge workshop in Vienna. The session will take place on 22nd of October from 14.00 to 18.00 CET. In this workshop 5 good eHealth cases will be presented, covering a wide range of eHealth implementations. Topics covered amongst other are the development and implementation of an electronic patient record, the implementation of a resource planning tool in order to manage and streamline activities, the gradual adoption and benefits of a medical data secured internet transmission service connecting laboratories, GPs, patients, specialists, hospitals, private clinics, elderly houses, the development of alternative communication channels to attract medical professionals to continuous medical education and last but not least the importance of information systems in order to manage hospitals, based on knowledge instead of guesses.
This workshop will be complemented by market review of the state of art in this field so to answer the important question: are Europe's hospitals ready for eHealth? This information is covered by the Health Information Network Europe (HINE) hosted by Deloitte.
In the last section of the workshop we would like to have a Look at the Future focusing on the Vision of IT and eHealth from an industry perspective, and how to align Vision with the Healthcare Reality.
The final objective of the workshop is to show and present selected good eHealth hospital cases, in order to share knowledge and learn from their success factors and failure factors and to conclude how vision, leadership and sustainability can be realised with the involvement of the different health care stakeholders.
Don't miss this opportunity by registering at www.hineurope.com/Content/Default.asp?PageID=148
HINE/Deloitte also seize the opportunity advice on three associated events.
- on October 23rd at 5.30 pm, it is our pleasures inviting you at the talk show/walking dinner we are organizing in Vienna together with EHTEL and Intel at Foyer GH, Lower level of the Austria Centre. It will give us the opportunity to exchange our thoughts about upcoming EU activities on eHealth and eInclusion around the theme of the "Four Cs of Healthcare". Don't miss this opportunity by registering at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- on October 24th in the morning, during the ES25 session entitled "Good e-Health: Implementing good practice in Europe's hospitals" (Room 4), Deloitte will give an overview of the experience gained in the implementation of eHealth systems and applications across Europe's hospitals. It provides examples of effective hospital IT applications, positively evaluated in terms of quality, access and productivity.
- on October 24th in the afternoon, during the ES39 session entitled "Digital EU hospitals in 2007? Realistic aims or overambitious dreams" (Room 2), Despite heroic efforts to justify higher expenditure over the past years, typical European investment levels in healthcare IT have remained static and relatively low. Now, in Europe, a new set of common political imperatives is driving demands for major healthcare transformation. The eHealth market is set for explosive growth. Hospitals will be a key part of associated virtual healthcare. HINE will discuss together with a panel of healthcare providers and industry representatives what is really being implemented in Europe's hospitals to effectively meet the "digital" imperatives.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to determine the future prospects for the health IT industry. To help ensure a fruitful exchange of ideas, attendees will have the opportunity to contribute and express their own views - or simply sit and listen.
For further information, please either contact the HINE marketing team in Brussels at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at +32 2 800 28 28 or visit the conference website at www.worldofhealthit.org
About HINE
Health Information Network Europe (HINE) is designed to provide a practical market information service that enables users to focus on European ICT opportunities within a global healthcare context. This means taking account of developments elsewhere in the world and benchmarking European systems against USA, Asia Pacific and other world markets for healthcare ICT. For further ifnromation, visit www.hineurope.com.