The proposed workshop programme includes three sessions covering the most important and actual EHR (Electronic Health Record) issues, but in general the proposed event has as a main goal the collaboration increasing amongst health professional as a crucial factor for the healthcare transformation.
The complex design and implementation of high quality EHR require strong cooperation between all the stakeholders. As one the expected results of this joint workshop would be issuing of the joint EuroRec-EHTEL recommendation.
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About EuroRec
The EUROREC Institute (EuroRec) is an independent not-for-profit organisation, promoting in Europe the use of high quality Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs). One of its main missions is to support, as the European authorised certification body, EHRs certification development, testing and assessment by defining functional and other criteria. For more information, visit www.eurorec.org
The "European Health Telematics Association" (EHTEL) contributes to the implementation of information and communication technologies in the health and social domain. EHTEL believes that eHealth tools offer substantial benefits in terms of improving:
EHTEL, as a membership driven European association, offers a platform to all stakeholders of eHealth in order to exchange information, to identify problems and find solutions for the implementation of the above goals. This is realised through networking between the stakeholders, the organization of conferences, workshops and specific task forces. For more information, visit www.ehtel.org